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Email Notifications for Teams not working


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Hello All,

I hope you guys can help, I'm trying to get notifications to work using the settings within service manager. I selected both for all the notifications and haven't had anything coming through when raising a new ticket, assigning to a team etc. I also made sure the mailbox is selected to our shared mailbox. I know the emails are working when I use the email web client within hornbill. Emails sent from one of my bpm works fine. I am not sure what else I'm missing.



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Hi Armando,

Thanks for your reply. The notification was working a week ago and I haven't made any changes. Normally I would get a email to itsupport email to let use know that a ticket has been raised so we can go to hornbill an assign a analyst. 

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@Harry can you confirm these settings are also configured in your instance:


1. The emailDomain also needs to be configured in Outbound Mail Routing (Home - System - Email - Outbound Mail Routing)
2. The emailMailbox needs to be a mailbox form your instance ("helpdesk" is the screenshot is just an example)

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Hi Victor,

Yep I have, it is using our company domain and mailbox. I checked the emails are working in hornbill by composing new emails. I can't figure out what else it might be. We do use mimecast as a spam filter and it received emails from hornbill ok. I couldn't see any emails being blocked.

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@Harry right so it took a bit to put everything together so this is what I found:

A. the guest.app.requests.notification.emailMailbox was changed a few times throughout the day, I'll detail the events below:

  • at 11:38:02 the application setting was updated to: cls_mailbox
  • at 11:42:27 the application setting was updated to: clsholdings_mailbox
  • at 11:51:07 the application setting was updated to: helpdesk
  • at 14:25:56 the application setting was updated to: clsholdings_mailbox

B. the last requests logged in the system (last time I looked) are IN*78 and IN*79.

  • IN*78 was logged at 11:43:21 so the mailbox that would have sent the notifications is clsholdings_mailbox. Looking in the Sent Items folder for this mailbox (clsholdings_mailbox) I see a number of assignment notification emails for this request.
  • IN*79 was logged at 11:51:37 so the mailbox that would have sent the notifications is helpdesk. Looking in the Sent Items folder for this mailbox (helpdesk) I see a number of assignment notification emails for this request.

All these notification emails have the current status a delivered which means Hornbill did send the email. Did the intended recipients never receive the email? Is it possible maybe they are somewhere between Hornbill and intended recipient, perhaps still waiting on the mail server?

As the emails actually left Hornbill it is very little we can assist you with I'm afraid...

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Hi Victor,

Thanks for looking into this further. I have noticed my other members have received a notification but not myself. So I did some troubleshooting and was looking at the difference in our roles. I found "Hornbill Service Manager System Role" was not in mine, as soon as I have added that in. I tried, for instance, assigning a member to myself and immediately that worked. Is this the right way or was it coincidental? What other uses are there for this role?

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@Harry "Hornbill Manager System Role" - no users should be given this role as it is a system role:


22 hours ago, Harry said:

I tried, for instance, assigning a member to myself and immediately that worked.

Getting a notification when you add yourself as a member is a defect... You will or should not get notifications to self...


Going back to the issue, now that you said that notifications are actually been send except to yourself... If this is correct, then Hornbill performs as designed, which means, if user A logs a request or assigns a request, then user A will not get a notification for such action... because user A is the user which actually performs the action, it means is already aware of the action performed... Is this the scenario you experienced?

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Hi Victor,

oh ok thats interesting, I shall remove that role then. So now I'm trying to get email updates whenever a team member or customer post an update on a ticket but with no luck. Sorry I am very stuck.

Kind regards


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14 minutes ago, Harry said:

email updates whenever a team member or customer post an update on a ticket

@Harry what kind of update is the one from team member? If is a "regular" update, there won't be any notification, but you can use @ mentions to notify individual users... if the update is an email update when you can set up notifications via guest.app.requests.notification.notificationType.emailUpdate.* application settings...

For customer posts, you have these settings guest.app.requests.notification.notificationType.portalUpdate.*

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@Harry when you do @ mentions you will only get a Hornbill notification, no email (we don't have email notifications for @ mentions). Can you check your notifications (the bell icon on the top right-hand side), check "Mentions" and "Dismissed"? On SR*98 I can see another user mentioning you at 13:16. This should have generated a notification like "You were mentioned by User X in request...", can you see this on your notifications list?

Note: it is possible if you have the request opened at the time user X mentions you, then the notification would be automatically dismissed as it would assume you saw the mentions if you have the request open... (I am not 100% sure about this though)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Victor,

Yes thats correct. I tested the SPF which works fine. I'm using our own domain mailbox instead and I can send and receive emails via Hornbill.  Other notifications like the IT analyst can receive email notification when customer updates via portal. But not the other way round.


Kind regards



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@Harry the "live.hornbill.com" mail routing in your instances is not configured to use direct outbound. Can you please change the routing mode to "Use Direct Outbound" for the "live.hornbill.com" domain? Let me know if the notification issue still persists afterwards...

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