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I am getting HTTP error 500' when I try to download/open a report.

I have full 'Advance report Admin Role' on my profile, and was able to create, run and download before.

Please advise how I can solve this issue.





@Dan Munns

Yeah we recently made a change to how the reports are download, unfortunately defect that was not visible in development or testing slipped through, we will be amending our release process to prevent this type of issues from reoccurring.

Kind Regards

Trevor Killick   


Hi @TrevorKillick,


Will connection to the report through Power BI be affected? I am trying to connect from Power Bi to Service manager reports, using 'R Script', and it seems to be taking a very longtime, then get timed out.




Regards Joyce



It just take too long to connect, could be because my report is too big. Is there as limitation on number of record in a report, which can be integrated in Power BI from SM?





my report has about 10000 records, I can easily download it to my desktop etc, I just cannot connect to it via Power BI.





Hi @Joyce,

If your report takes 30 minutes or more to run, then Power BI will timeout the R script. This is a limitation within the Power BI implementation of R, and cannot be changed. See this page for more information:


Due to this Power BI limitation, we have also provided an R script that will take a Run ID as well as the Report ID as its input parameters, which will then import data from report runs that have already completed. So you could point this at the report that the other R script initiated the run of, to get your data in to Power BI:


There is a post on the following forum, which describes the issue in more detail. This also allows Power BI users to vote on feature requests, which the Microsoft devs will then use to prioritise what goes in to Power BI. The more votes the better to get Microsoft to fix this odd limitation :)


I hope this helps,



@Joyce that's a strange one then, may be an issue connecting to the file storage. I'll give it a whirl from this end and let you know what I find.

The Run IDs should be in the left-most column on your Report History:


@Joyce I'm able to fire and retrieve report data from Power BI against one of my Hornbill instances. Could you private-message me the actual timeout error that you are presented with please and I'll take a look?

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