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Avoid manual closure of Incidents

Giuseppe Iannacone

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@Giuseppe Iannacone apologies, we missed your post... For future reference, the Hornbill Switch On & Implementation Questions section is for questions/queries regarding the Switch On & Implementation process itself, not necessarily queries about the product, therefore it has less visibility across the board... I have moved this thread to Service Manager section of our forums.

You can do what you need by disabling the "Resolve/Close" action button via the business process, once the request is resolved. So after the resolution, in the BP have another node to update request actions (screenshot). Then have the BP waiting for user's reply (probably via a human task with an expiration). In the next node, enable back the "Resolve/Close" action button... 



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@Victor Thank you for the reply. I can't use the lock action because we are using the 2 stage closure process, and I want people be able to resolve request and if necessary reopen manually incident and service request for example on a customer notification replies.

Why there isn't a specific role like "Close Service Request" for service requests? Is there a way to create a set of rights similar to "Close Service Requests" for Incidents (Close Incidents for example)?


here fore example a custom role without the right "Close Service Requests"


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ok, while i was thinking at my post, I also found the answer by my self... i was looking at the wrong role.

it is enough to create a duplicate role for "incident management user" and than I was able to remove the "close incidents" right as i was able to do with the Service Requests.

I hope this helps other folks on the forum.

Thank you.

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