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Email unread counter does not update for Notifications and Email

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i think it  started yesterday , the email notification ( number of  new emails indicator) on the top bar as well as the counter against the mailbox folder  do not clear  anymore  after raising tickets from email .











Hi Ralf,

Thanks for your post.  We have just finished some work that will automatically set an email to being marked as read when you raise a request from the email.  Up until now only the "Update Request" option from an email was marking the emails as being read. This will be available in the next Service Manager update which should be available by early early next week.




@James Ainsworth       the problem  is/was  we raise a ticket from an email , ticket gets logged, the email gets deleted ( moved to deleted folder , can't remember if that was a system setting that does that )  , but  the inbox counter counter still shows it has messages when there are none . happened  off and on for the last 2 days , but not so far this morning .


Hi @Ralf Peters

There was an issue recently identified that under some conditions the right hand pane that shows the list of emails is not matched to the selected folder listed on the left hand side.  It was reported that if you are looking at your inbox and you navigate away from the Email view to another app and come back to the email view the selected folder was not showing the matching list of emails.  If this is the case with what you are experiencing, your inbox maybe correctly showing that there is one email, but the right hand side is not displaying this email.   

When you next see this can you navigate to another Email Folder, such as ''Outbox'' and back to the Inbox to see if the emails are then visible and match the unread count?



  • 11 months later...

@James Ainsworth we are having problems with the email notification icon (top right) as well as the display of number of unread emails in mail folder (inbox etc.) not matching the actual number of emails in inbox.

This can be dangerous since analysts keep an eye on the email notification icon and risk missing incoming emails if they rely on that rather than going to the inbox at frequent intervals.

It looks related to Ralf's inquiry above.

  • Victor changed the title to Email unread counter does not update for Notifications and Email

Hi @HHH,

@Victoris correct (partially). We are aware of a problem where in rare occasions the email counter in the mailboxes list will display a wrong number, but never saw a problem in the main top notification icon.

Can you tell me if there is a particular scenario when it gets out of sync?




@Daniel Dekel

No the email notifier issue was raised when we had noticed the mailbox counter problem. A co-worker noticed it when he went to the mailbox.

Luckily I have a screenshot :)

As you can see the email is unread but the notification is not there. Also the counter on the left displayed nothing so they may be related.




Thanks for the info @HHH,

I can't see the folder name form the screenshot. Is that the Inbox? Because the main email counter displays only form the inbox folder. 

A second question; how often does it happen? Was it a one off, every day?




OK @HHH, regarding the mailbox counters, is a known issue and we will start working on this soon. Regarding the main email counter, is really weird and had never seen this, but we'll investigate.

I'll keep you informed in this post.



  • Thanks 1


Several updates around the email counters were pushed in the last build. You can check to see how it works. Still further improvements around this area are being under development, but let us know if you find further issues.

Thank you,


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