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New Status does not clear Sub Statuses

Martyn Houghton

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Our workflow at the moment sets the primary status to 'New' when it is first get assigned to our 1st Tier Team and again when it is then assigned on to the 2nd Tier Team.

In the latter stage, the workflow is setting the parent status to 'New' as before, but the Sub Status is not being cleared as there is no sub statuses supported under the 'New' status.

I have tried updating the BPM to manually set the Sub Status value to blank, but the BPM then fails. Therefore there does not appear to be away to clear a sub status when changing the status to 'New'.



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This also appears to be the case when resolving as well. It is possible to set the case as Resolved which does no support sub statuses and the sub status from it's previous state is retained. 

When a parent status is changed to one which does not have sub-statuses (New & Resolved), the sub status value needs to be cleared.





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @Martyn Houghton

Just following up on this, I did have a working fix for your immediate issue, however there have been some other questions raised in the past week or so by our product specialists around when we should be resetting sub-statuses and and which statuses should trigger sub-status updates etc.  As a result I'll be having a discussion with @James Ainsworth about this area to make sure we are happy with the solution before we put it into the build, I will let you know as soon as we have the solution ready. 



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi @Martyn Houghton

Sorry its taken longer than anticipated, but the next full update (2.52) which should be out in the next few weeks,  I have made some changes to the Update Status BPM flowcode so that if when performing an update, if you choose not supply a sub-status in the node, it will clear the sub-status which should resolve the issue you were having with not being able to reset on resolve.  Additionally I have also updated the flowcode so that sub-status will be correctly updated when moving to New/Resolved statuses etc, so you will now be able to set a specific sub-status when moving to a resolved status etc.

Hopefully these updates will provide a solution to the couple of scenarios that you mentioned.



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@Victor, @David Hall

Following application of SM 1073 we are now getting errors on when changing from Open with a sub status to either New or Resolved where there is no sub status.


I wondering if this could be related to this change?



Error extract from another occurrence.

2017-10-17 11:34:43Z [DEBUG]:[SYSTEM]:[7936] XMLMC Request Failed: FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/Requests/fc_bpm/updateReqStatus): nodeName: API Call: Update Request Sub-status; nodeId: ee6f8f41-bd6f-4671-b5aa-35a5854a30f5; At 708/1: "Uncaught EspMethodCall:invoke: Operation[apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Requests:smUpdateSubstatus] FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/Requests/fc_ops/smUpdateSubstatus): Input parameter validation error: Non-digit characters found in the element <substatusId>, the expected data type is 'integer'. The value was [New] at location '/methodCall/params/substatusId'"
2017-10-17 11:34:43Z [DEBUG]:[SYSTEM]:[7936] Output message schema validation failed in operation apps:updateReqStatus: The element <state> was not expected at location '/methodCallResult/state'
2017-10-17 11:34:43Z [ERROR]:[COMMS]:[7936] Operation[apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Requests/bpmOperation:updateReqStatus] FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/Requests/fc_bpm/updateReqStatus): nodeName: API Call: Update Request Sub-status; nodeId: ee6f8f41-bd6f-4671-b5aa-35a5854a30f5; At 708/1: "Uncaught EspMethodCall:invoke: Operation[apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Requests:smUpdateSubstatus] FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/Requests/fc_ops/smUpdateSubstatus): Input parameter validation error: Non-digit characters found in the element <substatusId>, the expected data type is 'integer'. The value was [New] at location '/methodCall/params/substatusId'"
2017-10-17 11:34:43Z [ERROR]:[COMMS]:[7936] Operation[apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Requests/bpmOperation:updateReqStatus] FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/Requests/fc_bpm/updateReqStatus): nodeName: API Call: Update Request Sub-status; nodeId: ee6f8f41-bd6f-4671-b5aa-35a5854a30f5; At 708/1: "Uncaught EspMethodCall:invoke: Operation[apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Requests:smUpdateSubstatus] FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/Requests/fc_ops/smUpdateSubstatus): Input parameter validation error: Non-digit characters found in the element <substatusId>, the expected data type is 'integer'. The value was [New] at location '/methodCall/params/substatusId'"
2017-10-17 11:34:43Z [DEBUG]:[GENERAL]:[7936] The BPM State is [{"id":"BPM20171017000039","application":"com.hornbill.servicemanager","name":"idox","currentStage":"4a2e5015-4bf4-bc96-b090-1a35b65c323b","currentNode":"flowcode-96651129-f109-4356-b8ef-f2d72b59f102","suspended":false,"cancelled":false,"failureMessage":"Xmlmc method invocation failed for BPM invocation node '4a2e5015-4bf4-bc96-b090-1a35b65c323b/flowcode-96651129-f109-4356-b8ef-f2d72b59f102': <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\r\n<methodCallResult status=\"fail\">\r\n\t<state>\r\n\t\t<code>0200</code>\r\n\t\t<service>apps</service>\r\n\t\t<operation>updateReqStatus</operation>\r\n\t\t<error>FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/Requests/fc_bpm/updateReqStatus): nodeName: API Call: Update Request Sub-status; nodeId: ee6f8f41-bd6f-4671-b5aa-35a5854a30f5; At 708/1: &quot;Uncaught EspMethodCall:invoke: Operation[apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Requests:smUpdateSubstatus] FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/Requests/fc_ops/smUpdateSubstatus): Input parameter validation error: Non-digit characters found in the element &lt;substatusId&gt;, the expected data type is &apos;integer&apos;. The value was [New] at location &apos;/methodCall/params/substatusId&apos;&quot;\n\tthrow(e);\n_fc_node_exec_ee6f8f41_bd6f_4671_b5aa_35a5854a30f5</error>\r\n\t</state>\r\n</methodCallResult>\r\n","stages":{"4a2e5015-4bf4-bc96-b090-1a35b65c323b":{"number":1,"displayName":"Resolution","status":"failed","items":{"4be938f6-40f3-3ba7-f102-473e8cc59c4c":{"displayName":"Investigation Started","required":true,"state":true,"position":0},"871c9a1b-39e5-3afe-3b6d-d3e310c567eb":{"displayName":"Investigation Complete","required":true,"state":false,"position":1}}},"585d6fbe-21a1-8429-7be9-b722f46e52bd":{"number":2,"displayName":"Resolved","status":"notStarted","items":{"40614cc3-3cd6-7c7d-e753-ce2875a71ec2":{"displayName":"Customer confirmed Resolution","required":true,"state":false,"position":0},"5bc734b5-ab4d-4137-f508-05c2856bf1b1":{"displayName":"Request Closed","required":true,"state":false,"position":2},"7b3c8060-66bc-3507-254c-449559dbdc1a":{"displayName":"Request Resolved","required":true,"state":false,"position":1}}},"s1":{"number":0,"displayName":"Response","status":"completed","items":{"2f742e5a-b28f-c68e-8dec-7408e3ac8822":{"displayName":"Request Confirmation","required":false,"state":true,"position":2},"6573ee34-1e92-f346-8d77-7811b5c34c93":{"displayName":"Request Acknowledgement","required":true,"state":true,"position":0},"cfd073bf-0e50-bc96-12d3-db88ebc7c49c":{"displayName":"Request Validation","required":false,"state":true,"position":1}}}},"TASKS":{"4a2e5015-4bf4-bc96-b090-1a35b65c323b":{"task-77df8e4c-0da2-4ec2-e71c-0bb2f211ac85":{"type":"task","threshold":100,"tasks":[{"assignee":"beverley.hatchman","weight":100,"grouping":"b6c566f1-5971-4c83-af80-d2b78f66bc71","assignmentOption":"oneMustApprove","request":{"result":{"@status":true,"params":{"taskId":"TSK20171017000327"}}},"response":{"result":{"@status":true,"params":{"status":"complete","title":"Pending - IDXIN00047490 -  Enquiry","details":"Investigate the issue IDXIN00047490 - Is there a limit on number of records in a DTF file that can be bulk  imported into gazetteer?","options":{"timeSpent":"true"},"priority":"normal","appointment":"false","reference":"bpmTask","createdOn":"2017-10-17 10:30:21Z","createdBy":"SYS_BPM_MANAGER","startDate":"2017-10-17 10:20:31Z","dueDate":"2017-12-15 13:30:19Z","timeSpent":"0","timeBillable":"false","progress":"100","assignedTo":"urn:sys:user:beverley.hatchman","owner":"idoxsd","outcomes":"OnHold,Reassign,Resolved,LogWithDev,Log3rdTier,Log3rdParty,Pending","outcomeInfo":[{"outcome":"OnHold","displayName":{"text":"On Hold -Awaiting Customer Response","language":"en-gb"},"buttonColor":"warning","requiresReason":"false"},{"outcome":"Reassign","displayName":{"text":"Reassign to 1st Tier","language":"en-GB"},"buttonColor":"default","requiresReason":"false"},{"outcome":"Resolved","displayName":{"text":"Incident [TRUNCATED]

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@Martyn Houghton no, is not related to this build as far as I know. However, it is something we also noticed in beta and we have something ready to fix it (also, there are or were some subsequent issues with BP update nodes for sub-statuses). It should be deployed tomorrow morning (if it can wait until then)...

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Is the issue only to do with going between a request with a sub status to a state such as New or Resolved without a sub status? Wondering whether I need to stop my analyst 's from completing the resolution stage on their requests as all the workflows are breaking.

Are you fairly confident it will be released tomorrow?



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@Martyn Houghton "Request Details > Get Request Information" automated task in BPM returns properties of a Request via Variable Picker. We added a new property called "Substatus" and we found out that this collided with a namesake option for any other automated tasks. In this example, "Substatus" that is returned from "Request Details > Get Request Information" automated task collides with "Substatus" option of "Update Request > Status" automated task. Ofcourse this behaviour is incorrect. As a result of this, we updated the property that is returned by "Request Details > Get Request Information" automated task to rectify this but the long-term solution is a complex change to the BPM engine - which is being investigated. You'll see this error for existing Requests, such as the example that you're looking to but this will not be a problem for Requests that are raised AFTER you applied 1074.

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