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Assets Upload via CSV

Dan Munns

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I have been told we can automate the CSV output from AD with powershell and place it on the network (I have been told that they should also be able to format the CSV to enable the uploader to read it correctly). I was hoping that you had an app to auto upload the output file on a daily / weekly basis.


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@Dan Munns

Ok you could possibly automate the upload by calling the same API as we do for the upload from within PowerShell I guess, I am not sure I have seen anyone do that but I am sure it would be possible in theory, the alternative would be for us to implement an importer script that looks on your network share for the file and imports it - I am sure we can help you one way or the other, I have asked the question internally, lets see what we can come up with


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@Dan Munns

one of our expert techs is going to have a look at this in the next 2-3 weeks, we have a number of other things that need to be completed.  This is what he said..

We don't have anything as yet to auto-import assets from a CSV. It wouldn't be overly complicated to knock one up though, using the existing code in the DB asset importer... There should be no reason why we can't write an XMLMC module in PowerShell too, we have some of the code already in the invokeXMLMC runbook I knocked up for the MSSCOrch content pack. Let me look in to how PoweShell modules work and I'll get back to you...

Watch this space..


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I think this is similar to my request here:

I will watch this space as well as it's something that would benefit us. +1



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Hi @Dan Munns,

Good news :) I've just written and released a Powershell module for making API calls against the Hornbill platform.

The Github repo for this module is here:


So your Powershell developers can now use this module, alongside the Hornbill APIs, to develop scripts to add or update your assets in Hornbill with AD as its data source.

I'll be looking at automating the import of assets from a CSV in the near future, so watch this space...

Kind regards,


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Hi @Dan Munns,

I've just released a tool to allow you to import assets from CSV files, which can be scheduled using your task scheduler of choice. The wiki page is:


And Github repo is:


Let me know how you get on with this!




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