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Hello Everyone

The latest build of Hornbill ESP (2776) has been released to live.

Change Log for this release are as follows:


  • Added operation activity::activityChangeStatus to allow the status of an activity to be changed.
  • Introduced the concept of activity status that allows for posts to be archived or locked.
  • {#CH00146340} Email Composer Templates and Snippets for Collaboration Core (experimental flag is now turned ON by default - experimental.feature.email.enableTemplates)
  • Implemented CRUD operations to support scheduled jobs
  • {#CH00146806} platform preparation for the story - As a Customer Manager I would like to see Contacts from a filtered list of Organisations
  • Hornbill now supports versioning, baselining and reverting of business process workflows. The following new API's have been added bpm::workflowBaseline, bpm::workflowRevert, bpm::workflowGetVersions.
  • The operation bpm::workflowGet operation now returns the currently active workflow when no specific version is specified.
  • The operations bpm::workflowUpdate has now been depreciated and should no longer be used. Instead use the new bpm::workflowSave operation
  • Added Contacts table to the Audit table
  • Updated admin::keysafeGetKey operation to optionally return a key log if required.
  • The operation bpm::workflowCopy now allows you to change the display name (title) of the target workflow
  • The operation bpm::workflowRename now allows you to change the display name (title) of the workflow
  • The operation bpm::workflowRename no longer marks the process as inactive, this is because of the change in behavior implemented to support version controlFlow
  • The operation bpm::workflowList now includes information about what version a workflow is
  • The operation bpm::workflowGet now allows you to optionally provide a specific version to get the details for, it also returns the version number.
  • bpm::workflowList no longer returns duplicate versions when no application is provided.
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