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Viewing all requests via service portal for a manager or based on organisational membership

lee mcdermott

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Is it possible for users to be able to view all calls logged based on their organisational membership?


I have been asked to email an individual every time a call is logged for their area. This is a very manual and time consuming task.

So wondered if they could be setup so they can view all calls via the service portal for calls logged to their organisation


thanks lee

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Hi Lee,

It is possible to set a Manager to view all of the request of their managed staff.  In Administration if you navigate to Service Manager->Settings and search for the setting servicemanager.portal.requests.showStaffRequests by typing "showStaffRequests" in the filter.  Turning this setting to "On" will display a new option in Self Service where on a list of requests the manager will have an option labelled "My Staff's Requests".  For this to work, you must be listed on the user's profile as their manager.

You may find that some form of notification would still be needed for the manager or you might want to still email someone that is not the manager to be notified.  You should be able to automate this, possibly using the Connections feature.  Using the BPM you can automated the adding of a user as a connection to a request and send an email to that user. Read here for more information on using Connections in the BPM.

There is also a feature for setting external contacts to allow viewing all requests for an external organisation, but I'm assuming that you are using internal Organizational Groups.

There are no planned changes for allowing organizational group members to see all requests for a particular organizational group.  There may be some concern about visibility of personal information to other users without the customer on the request realizing.  There were also some thoughts on being able to see requests pm Self Service where you have been added as a "Connection" and we do have a change in our backlog for this, but it is not scheduled yet, and we would have to also be careful here about how we manage exposing information such as HR requests to other users.

I hope this helps.





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@James Ainsworth


Thanks James, that's useful infoand I will have a look through the connections for BPM.


However in this instance for the user asking to be notified he is part of an external contact - so that would be ideal to be able to do this for external organisations.


How would you do or enable this feature?





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