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We are trying to get around the current restrictions of only being able to specify a single progressive capture when raising a new change by using a branch node after the service details node and then the Switch Node explicitly set to a different progressive capture based on the service id selected.

We have tested this with putting a custom form in the branch and it works, but the process does not seem to take any notice of the Switch Node at all.

Is this a known issue or has anyone else got this working in this way?




Hi Martyn,

I use the switch node in progressive capture in a very similar way to what you are describing and has been working for me for a few months now.  I have the Service Details Progressive Capture form followed by a decision node.  The only difference is that I have, is that outcomes are using a custom expression that checks Service Details->serviceName rather than Service Details-serviceId.  Could you try using Service Details->serviceName to see if that works for you?




@James Ainsworth

Still not having any joy with the switch node, whether the branch is service name or id. I know the branch is working as I have out custom form prompts in the flow when testing to confirm it was routing along the correct path. The Switch node action just seems to cause the process to jump along a few nodes on the existing process.


The Switch node calls the PC below. I have also tried the PC below including the Customer Search, Service Details and Request Details forms as well.







@Martyn Houghton when you reach the "Service Details" form in the "new change switch" pro cap, do you select a catalog item or just the service itself? ... Do you get to next form, the "Request Details" after "Service Details" or it jumps straight after service?

Is it possible to run this pro cap in your instance? I mean if you have it active...


Hi @Martyn Houghton

Also, are any of your Form IDs the same between the nodes in each of the captures?

I've seen this previously where it caused some confusion in the processing, because the Capture that was being Switched contained a node that had the same form ID as a node in the original capture. If that's the case, it might be worth making them unique (as a test), seeing if it works and letting us know. 

Kind Regards



@Victor, @Bob Dickinson

We are just selecting the service, as in this incidence this is for a new change so there  facility for  catalog item under this request type (yet ;)).

There is indeed a common form ID for one of the custom forms. I will change this and retest. 




@Victor, @Bob Dickinson

I have changed the formID's on both the two custom forms so that they are different to the parent PC, but the issue is still happening.

It does seem to be related to there being the same custom forms as it is skipping to the Who is Doing... node.

The child PC was originally copied from the parent one, so is it possible there is some internal id's which have been duplicated which would trigger this behaviour?



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