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Report - Monitoring my Team


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Hi All,

I wonder if someone can kindly assist.  I am looking to monitor my team's work.  I have a view created for analysts Calls Logged and Calls Resolved.

 The Call logged only shows calls directly logged by analysts, so am unable to see what calls have been logged via the email source.


I am looking to monitor the following for my team (which are not currently in the Reports) and wonder if someone can assist: 

Breakdown of calls logged by each analyst against each source i.e. face to face, phone & by email.

Breakdown of calls logged via the Service Portal where my team has assigned an SLA

Calls Updated

Activities completed

Total time spent per analyst on all the above


This should allow me to monitor the above efficiently allowing me to be proactive and where possible to make the team aware of any changes recommended.

Thanks for your time in advance and for all your continued support.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have not had a response to the above, so I thought I would expand on this.  Thinking about my original request, what I would be better doing is creating a 'view'  rather than a report? 

Any ideas how I go about creating a view based on the text in the timeline.


Calls logged by analyst via Email (this should show me what I need.  I have tried 'contain's in description text and does not give me the results i need.

The above will allow me to pick up my teams assigned SLAs as well as my team's updates.


I am sure someone must have enquired about this previously, my aim is to ensure that the team is assigning the correct SLA and also allows me to see the number of calls logged by Email.



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Hi @Shamaila Yousaf

The above particular example can be achieved quite simply through a Widget in Advanced Analytics (in the Admin Tool). 

You can create a widget with the type of Data Chart and use the sample type called SQL Group By.
I've created an example on my instance:


And the configuration I used to create this:



You could then create a number of these for different sources by just changing the Filter - for example:
h_source_type = 'Self Service'
h_source_type = 'Analyst'


Then when you have several widgets (charts) you could display them all together on a "Logged Call Source" Dashboard for an overall view

Is this what you are looking for? I hope the information helps!

Kind Regards


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Hi @Shamaila Yousaf

Are you looking for a pop up to define your own "From" and "To" dates for the date logged? Or are you looking to put in a set date range (e.g. start of 2016 to the end of 2016)?

If you are looking for a prompt, unfortunately this is not something that Widgets/Dashboards can perform as they are not designed to have manual intervention (e.g. if these were up on the screen on a Service Desk, someone would need to enter the dates every time the widget appeared). 

If I have understood correctly, you may be better off with a standard report. I've created the equivalent below with an example of a prompt - is this closer to what you are looking for?

Date Prompt:



End Result:



Kind Regards


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It didn't work due to an error my end. All sorted now.

Can anyone assist in what to group on for Self Service, I need to find out who has assigned SLA from our end.  Created by shows the customer who has logged the call.


Thanks again, I have created my very first widget:).




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Hi @shamaila.yousaf

The source for Self Service is:  'Self Service'

If you are looking to group on which analyst has picked up the call - this attribute is: Request Owner Name (h_ownername)

(please keep in mind this will show you whoever is assigned the request rather than who originally picked up the request)

Kind Regards


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Hi @shamaila.yousaf

We do record the assignments - but they are in a separate table called h_itsm_request_team_assignment

The problem is, this creates a record every time the request is assigned to a team and/or a user so its going to be difficult to establish which was the first assignment to a user for every request, and then to perform the count on it. I'll have a little look this week to see if its achievable in any way and get back to you.

Kind Regards


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Hi @shamaila.yousaf

Ok, well I can't promise anything but I'll certainly have a look and see if this could be done in any way. :)

In terms of the videos, a good starting point is our Reporting Webinar (if you have not attended already). This is available to you to attend as part of our "Trained for Life" initiative. We are also in the process of recording some new, advanced content which may be more suitable for you, so I'll ensure to keep you updated!

Kind Regards


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Hi @shamaila.yousaf

Its taken quite some time - this was a really tricky one to work out - but I think I've finally got there in terms of being able to use the existing widgets and only showing a count of the first analyst to be assigned the request

I have added in the additional criteria to only look for calls that have been logged via email as well - this is the part you may need to amend for other data sources as mentioned above (I have underlined this red).
Also above, you specified that you are only interested in requests that have been assigned initially to members of your team - you will need to specify the Team ID (not the team name - typically the team ID has no spaces, you can find it if you look at the team in the Organisation area of the Admin Tool) here. As an example, my team ID was called 1stLineSupport (see images below) - so you will need to amend this part to your team ID.

Below is the configuration:






And the FILTER (if you would like to copy and paste):


h_id IN(SELECT MIN(h_id) FROM h_itsm_request_team_assignment WHERE h_user_id != 'No owner specified' AND h_previous_user_id = 'No previous owner' AND h_team_id = '1stLineSupport' GROUP BY h_request_id) 
h_request_id IN(SELECT h_pk_reference FROM h_itsm_requests WHERE h_source_type is NOT NULL AND h_source_type = 'Email')


I hope this helps - please let me know if there are any issues. I have tested this on a test dataset and it appears to work, so will be interesting to see what your counts look like and if its what you expect.

Kind Regards



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Hi @shamaila.yousaf

You can have a look at your teams in the Admin Tool via System > Organisational Data > Organisation then filter the list by the Group Type of "Team" and select the support team you are looking to measure. 

Then within there, you just need to note down the Organisation ID as per the below screenshot


Kind Regards


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Hi @shamaila.yousaf

I think that your team ID is still incorrect which is why it may not be showing the results.
You need to copy the entire ID - you have entered it_service_desk in your screenshot, but the actual ID will probably be something longer like:

(this is an example - it won't be this, so double check whats on your instance)

Have another look at the ID, copy the whole string (if its different) and paste that in your widget - let me know if it works!

Kind Regards


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I was advised by @DeadMeatGF that our ID is: derbycollege/itservices/ITSupport/it_service_desk/

So I have amended the filter as below:


h_id IN(SELECT MIN(h_id) FROM h_itsm_request_team_assignment WHERE h_user_id != 'No owner specified' AND h_previous_user_id = 'No previous owner' AND 
h_team_id = 'derbycollege/itservices/ITSupport/it_service_desk' GROUP BY h_request_id) 
h_request_id IN(SELECT h_pk_reference FROM h_itsm_requests WHERE h_source_type is NOT NULL AND h_source_type = 'Email')


Still no data displays...I am so so sorry!

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Hi @shamaila.yousaf

Looks like you need a final slash on your team name:

You have: h_team_id = 'derbycollege/itservices/ITSupport/it_service_desk' 

But try: h_team_id = 'derbycollege/itservices/ITSupport/it_service_desk/' 


Sorry about this, its quite picky about being in the correct format!

Kind Regards


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