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Bulk Reassigning Tickets

Guest Paul Alexander

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Guest Paul Alexander


Our Service Desk manager has asked if there's a way of bulk reassigning tickets (mainly incidents).

I realise that there is the option to multi-select tickets based on whether they're associated with the same service, and to reassign them to particular team or person, but our analysts all support all of our services.

In the BPM's there is a node which can be used to 'auto assign' tickets to a team, using the Round Robin facility, which seems to work fine. However, outside of the BPM this is not an option (as far as I know?) 

It's now coming up to Holiday time, so there will be some tickets which will more than likely be left in peoples' queues while they're off sunning themselves. Is there a way of bulk-auto-assigning these calls on a round robin basis, regardless of whether they're associated with the same service?

This would also be useful when people leave the company or department. 


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Hi @Paul Alexander

We have this same issue - I would like a way of bulk assigning that is less restrictive too.

Love to have more bulk actions (update, email, on-hold, re-assign, customer name change) - this has been on my wish list for a while.


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Guest Paul Alexander

Hi @nasimg

Good to know we're not alone! ;)

I don't know how to get this pushed through as a 'proper' request with Hornbill......do we need to create a new post with a Poll option do you know?



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Guest Ehsan

@Paul Alexander,

The prerequisite for the multi-assign option is that the Request Type and Service must match. For example, the option will not be available if you've highlighted two Incidents and a Problem.

@nasimg - I'm assuming you're referring to the matching Request Type and Service restrictions, is that right? The logic behind the Service restriction is that you would want to prevent users from assigning Requests to a team that is not supported by one or more associated Service. The logic behind the Request Type is to respect the spawning of different Business Processes. I know you're a big fan of the bulk actions :D and I'm sure they'll make their way into the product one by one; I will check to make sure that a change proposal is raised.

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Guest Ehsan

@Paul Alexander,

Welcome to Hornbill Forum - That's exactly the purpose of the forum ^_^ You can propose a requirement to us and if we can't achieve it within the App, we raise a change proposal for the requirement. Change proposals are then prioritised, depending on the interest in the Hornbill community.

Please help me understand, is the multi-assign option not working for you regardless of selecting multiple tickets have the same Request Type and Service? Do you feel that the criteria for the multi-assign option is too restrictive in your case? Please let us know and I will feed it back to the team.

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Guest Paul Alexander

Hi @Ehsan

thanks for the update...

The multi-assign option, for us, is very restrictive. The reason for this is that we don't have specific teams which look after specific services.....all of our teams deal with all of our services, so choosing specific ticket types and specific services before being able to reassign to one person (or team) doesn't really give us much of an advantage over doing them individually!


I understand what you've said to @nasimg about the different BPMs (although I was under the impression that, once a call is actually logged, the underlying BPM won't change, so I didn't even think that would be a problem). 

In our instance, what we'd really like is to be able to redistribute calls to members of a team on a round robin basis regardless of what Service is applied to those tickets.

Hopefully that makes sense!



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Guest Paul Alexander




7 minutes ago, DeadMeatGF said:

I think what @Paul Alexander is after is the ability to bulk reassign via the Round Robin feature available in the BPM, as far as I'm aware you can only bulk assign to an individual team/member from the Request List.

yes, that's exactly what we'd like....the ability to bulk reassign outside of a BPM...



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@Paul Alexander I don't think you are addressing the root cause of the issue you are facing.. which is allowing your analysts holidays or allow them to leave the company! :P ... It seems you have a democracy going on there, you need to think of changing this to a totalitarian regime... :P

(jokes aside, this is an extended functionality for bulk actions that is not currently there so our product managers and devs will have a look and see if, what, how... :))

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Guest Paul Alexander

@Victor...if it was up to me they wouldn't have holidays or weekends or the option to ever leave. It causes so many problems! 


Me, on the other hand, would have long weekends every week and Bank Holiday Wednesdays once a month.

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Guest Ehsan

@Paul Alexander,

Thanks for clarifying! We already have a change proposal to provide the option to achieve round robin assignment without a Business Process. You may find the following conversation familiar, interesting I couldn't remember either! This is currently under investigation and is in the approval process. As I mentioned before, change proposals need to be prioritised accordingly, we will let you know as soon as this is placed in the 90-day development board.



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