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Workspace Post retention/expiry

Martyn Houghton

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Though most of our workspace posts we would want to retain, there are some that are only useful at the and are no need to be retained in the long term. For example posts advising the team of rota changes, people of sick, people on site this week etc, do not need to be retained.

Therefore it would be useful to have the ability to set an expiry date and time on an individual post, which would mean that it is deleted automatically once the specified period has passed.



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HI Martyn,

As you know there is no concept that allows content to be deleted in a way that could change timeline history.  What I would suggest in this case is you create workspaces that are specifically designed as notifications that are ultimately volatile, and on the opposite end of the spectrum you try to ensure that workspaces that are designed to hold long-term knowledge are not filled with transitory content.  Does that make sense?


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@Martyn Houghton

The problem with us implementing the suggestion is the system has been built around the notion of an Activity Stream do it does not really have a concept of transient data and differentiating between types of data, the assumption is each workspace is a "topic of discussion".  Through now quite extensive experience we have found that using multiple workspaces to organise the flow of information actually works quite well, the information finds you and you can organise your own time to visit each topic where there is new stuff to look at.   For example, if I needed to convey the type of information you are talking about I would personally create a workspace called "Rota and Availability" and post all of that information in there, that way, anyone who needs to see those notices would get a new notification and an unread badge on that workspace, and when they visit they know exactly what they would be looking at.  I am a member of over 160 workspaces currently but I only ever have around 30 bubble up to the top during the course of a day, it really does work very well. 

What you are asking for is of course possible but based on my understanding of our implementation it would require a fundamental change to the fabric of our Activity Streams implementation. I can see the merit of having such data in the same workspace but I can see more benefit in organising streams into relevant topics too, thats at least what I wold suggest as something to try for now. 


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