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Adding organisation to a user - only one at time


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We use the LDAP tool to set most staff up automatically but, we sometimes have to manually set up a user. I've noticed in most menu's where you can add a value from a drop down, you are allowed to add multiple items before having to save.

When you try and add another value in the "Add to Organisation" under account information for a user, you can only add one org before having to save (if you add a second the first value get changed).

Is this a defect or expected behaviour?

Add to Organisation 1.PNG

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This is expected behaviour. 

The current organisation structure only allows a user to be associated with a single organisation. That is why the first value is replaced by the second organisation, as it is assuming you are updating the value.


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Ok but if you are part of multiple support teams (Helpdesk, Cab, etc) this becomes a pain.

Our IT team supports 3 different organisations, tripling the amount of teams. It would be if it could work like adding users to teams (where you can add multiple items).


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