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Mandatory Questions in the Portal

Guest Paul Alexander

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Guest Paul Alexander



Mandatory questions in the portals have a red border. Is there way of turning OFF this red border when that field has been filled please? 

We've had a couple of users who say that, because it stays red even after they've put some text in, it makes them think that they've still got something wrong! 



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Guest Paul Alexander

Hi @Mohamed

This is for the mandatory Progressive Capture questions, NOT necessarily the feedback forms ( we don't use those just yet!)



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Hi @Paul Alexander,

We have two distinctive styles for a field that is mandatory and a field with a validation error.

As you can see in the attached image. (bottom) - the left red border indicates that the field is mandatory, but it might not have an error. The full bordered and sometimes will have an error description indicates that there is a validation error.

Some other systems will have a red star in the left hand side of the input, we use a left red border.

Hope this makes sense.




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Guest Paul Alexander

Hi @Daniel Dekel


Thank you....what we'd like is for the Mandatory field to show as red when nothing is entered, but when there IS data in that field, to return to 'normal' (i.e. no border or colour difference to 'normal', non-mandatory fields)


Is that possible please?


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Thanks @DeadMeatGF, @Paul Alexander,

I agree with you @DeadMeatGF, the problem is not only changing all of our forms in the entire system and applications but also is making all current customers understand the new style.

I am not saying no yet, will have some chats with other people in Hornbill but is also good to know the opinion of customers ;-)

Will continue this post...



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