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Im sure this has been answered in the past but been absent from the forums for a bit.

I would like to have a widget display the backlog of calls over the past x number of days. It would be nice to see how the backlog is trending.

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@Kelvin mmm... you can get the number of open requests when the report/widget is run (which is like... now :)) but I don't think we can the the historic data... we do not store historic status of a request, i.e. "on date X what was the status of the request" to be able to report on it... we only have the current status of a request, this is why the report woudl only work for the date/time when the report is run...

However, if we only care about requests not resolved/closed and requests resolved/closed (so we don't care about onhold for example) we might be able to use resolved/closed date on a request to establish if the request was active or not on a specific date... if this makes sense... 

Otherwise, the only way I could see it working would be for you to keep a copy of the report ran each day....month...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @Kelvin

As Victor initially mentioned, you can actually do this via a measure - but this will only show the counts of the data from the day you configure the measure onwards (i.e. right now I couldn't tell you how many open calls you had on your system on January 1st 2017. But after this measure has been set up, each days data would be recorded so in 30 days, I would be able to tell you have many calls were open on your system on June 13th 2017). 

The key thing to do when setting up this measure is to not include a date range column - we are simply recording a count of data at the end of each day that matches your criteria. See the screenshot below for an example:

Measure 1.png

When you manually resample this for the first time, you will notice that all of the results returned are identical - this is because we haven't got that date range in there, so its just just today's value for every sample. 
But when this runs the next evening, the most recent sample will be accurate (that days open calls) - so eventually, after 30 days for example, you will have an accurate rolling data set. 


The most important thing when using this measure is to never click the manual resample button - doing this will lose all of the data you have collected over the past 30 days, because this is a rolling sample (which takes us back to the original historic data point).

I hope this all makes sense - let me know if you have any queries!

Bob Dickinson


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