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My Workspace no longer exists


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No idea where my Service Desk workspace has disappeared to, I have refreshed the screen as well as tried another browser.

I have checked in the Owned Workspace section as well as the Public just in case this has accidentally be moved.


I'm hoping this can be retrieved.



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Hi @shamaila.yousaf,

Are you the owner of the workspace? If you are it should apear in the Owners list of the workspaces view. If now or maybe you accidentally changed owner it would apear in the list of "My Workspaces".

In most of the cases it should be in one of the lists as long as you have visibility to it. If it is private and you no longer are a member of it you will not be able to see it. In that case you will need to find owt who owns that workspace and ask to add you as a member again.

Hope this helps,

Let me know if I can help more.


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@Daniel Dekel, Thanks for the reply.

I should be the owner as it was myself who created the workspace as well as manage control of whom is a member.  My current members have also confirmed that they can not see it under any of the sections either?

So it's not visible and does not appear under any of the lists.


I can see a delete key against my other workspaces, if this has been accidentally deleted would this appear in a particular section i.e. recycle bin? - hope this can be retrieved as this hold many useful updates which have been shared within our team. :(

Hope you can assist further and thanks again for your prompt response.

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Only the owner of a workspace is allowed to delete a workspace. If you select the Delete option it will prompt you to confirm and tell you that the delete operation is permanent as shown below, it defaults to No so you have to positively press the "Yes" button for this to happen. As far as I can remember this is NOT soft-deleted behind the scenes so there is no easy way to just get this back. 

If the content is important, the only way we could get this back would be to recover it from a backup, it should be possible but will require dedicated resource to extract the specific data, as well as any embedded image content. If you wanted us to go down that route that would I am afraid be a chargeable exercise as it would be fairly time consuming. 



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Hi @shamaila.yousaf

If you have not deleted it then it should be there, I expect its just a visibility issue which is good news.  Just so you are aware, Hornbill is a cloud solution so @DeadMeatGF will not have any visibility of the backups, that would be something Hornbill would need to do if you need to go down that route.   @DeadMeatGF can advise you further. 


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You can take a look in the following table. h_buz_workspaces  however, there is no soft-delete, so when you delete a workspace the record is deleted from this table, same is true for all the posts, comments, likes and other associated embedded media.  Only way back would be from backups and a manual process to get the data out, import it back in, regenerate all the GUID's etc... its not an easy task :(


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Sadly that was the table I was looking at - I'll go back to it but I'm pretty sure it's not there, which I believe would imply that it was deleted.

I'm not sure what was in it (I wasn't a member of that workspace) but I don't think I'd be able to justify the recovery cost based on the content.

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