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Chart Widget grouped by Priority and team


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I am trying to create a chart  widget for active Incidents grouped by priority, and Team. Basically I am looking for something like this: (please see attached Print screens).

 Currently I can get widget either by priority or by team. How can I combine them in one widget? I am interested on the count (so how many active P1 assigned to a team).




HornBill SM_Chart Widget grouped by Priority and team.docx

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@Joyce maybe you could have the measure to use "Percentage" as value aggregate rather than "Count" (it still does the count, but allows multiple counts... so to speak)

So, try and amend your measure (one of them, since I assume you have two) to have "Percentage" as value aggregate. This type of aggregate also requires a value column. Set this to be the priority. Then, refresh one of the widgets and see what it gives you... it should give you now a breakdown for teams on each priority...



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Hi Victor,

I am a  bit confused by your answer.

I want a chart which can show me, the distribution of active Incidents, by 'Priority_Name' within 'Team_name'?

Is there a way to get this chart as a widget? or any other way?






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@Joyce I was lying... :( It has nothing to do with percentage or count measures when using measures.. measures are built to show data using certain frequency - i.e. weekly, monthly, etc. (which is not something you actually need for this particular widget)... From what I understand you need a widget displaying active incidents... So, ignore the rubbish post I made previously...

Did a bit more digging and played with widgets a bit and came up with this:Hornbill_Test_Widget.PNG

This displays/counts only active incidents (status is new, open and on hold). The sample period is actually specified in the widget and in this example is set to pull all data from the start of calendar year (this can be changed as required). The widget is not using a measure, is actually using a custom SQL with multiple series added (a separate series for each priority)... You can also change the looks do display the series as stacked but I don't really like how it looks...

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@Joyce Victor is right here, you should be able to get the widget you are after by using the following:

Data Chart > SQL Group By

In the data source details, you can choose the request table, group on priority name, count on the request id and then add your required filters (say status is new, open, on hold etc as required) and then choose the period filtering to restrict the date range for the requests you want to see

Screen Shot 2017-05-09 at 20.27.21.png

You can then add a series to reflect each support team, as below give each series a display name and a filter - in my example h_fk_team_name ='1st Line Support' etc.  You will need to add at least two series before anything will change on the chart.

Screen Shot 2017-05-09 at 20.27.41.png

Once you have two or more teams defined as series, you can go to the Chart Settings tab, and select bar > Stack Multi-Series (Yes), and choose to display the legend on left or south of the chart

 Screen Shot 2017-05-09 at 20.27.53.png

This will give you something like this below.  In my example, clearly i have too many requests where a priority has not been set and my priorities have names not P1, P2 etc :( 

Screen Shot 2017-05-09 at 20.28.29.png

Hope this helps



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