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Get Details -> Request Questions issue when appending text to description via BPM

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This is a continuation (sort of) from @DeadMeatGF's post here: https://forums.hornbill.com/topic/10182-appending-questions-into-request-description

I wanted to keep the issues I found seperate.


Hi @Steven Boardman,

Thanks for clarifying (on the other post) it all makes sense now. I have done what was suggest by yourself and @DeadMeatGF with regards to copying the variable from another node.

I have tried this and it works, well i think it does... it also does something else when using the Get Informaton -> Get Request Questions.

For example, I may have on a PC:

  1. the first custom form has 5 questions. In the BPM all the answers I have put into the description using the Get Informaton -> Get Request Questions to update the request using the Update Request Details node. 7
  2. The second customer form has 7 questions, again I used the same method to update the description, this time I check Append Text.
  3. The third custom form only has 5 question. I proceed with the same method to append these question answers to the description... but there is a problem.

On Custom Form 2, ALL the questions where answered in the PC. On form 3, questions 2 and 5 were not answered on the PC,  But when updating the request details description with the question answers, it's populated answers 2 and 5 of form 3, with answers from form 2 :o 

See below, i copied this straight of the description area of a test call

Address Details
Sub Building: undefined
Building Name: undefined
Building Number: undefined
Sub Street: undefined
Street: undefined
Locality: undefined
Town: undefined
County: Berks
Post Code: TE5T 1AB

Other Property Details
Ownership: (OTH) Other
Acquired Date: 2017-04-07
Source: (OTH) - Other
Required Property Reference: undefined
Debit Start Date: 2017-04-07
(BEACON) Beacon Code: undefined
(EUV-VP) Beacon Property Value: undefined
(EUV-SH) Beacon Property Social Housing value: Berks

Property Admin Unit Details
Debit Group: DAILY
Finance Group: (SHL) - Sheltered
Repairs Group: -
Parish: TEST
Rent Officer: TEST
Patch: TEST

Allocations Details (Property Elements)
(BEDS) Number of Bedrooms: 3
(STYPE) Scheme Type: (GEN) General Scheme
(PTYPE) Property Type: (HOU) House

Rent Element Details (Property Elements)
(RENPROP) Residential Property Rent: 100.00
(MRENPROP) Monthly Rent: (GEN) General Scheme
(SCSERV) Service Charge: (HOU) House
(SCHEAT) Heating Charge:
(SCWATER) Water Charge: TEST
(SCELEC) Electricity Charge: TEST
(SMRENT) Scheme Manager Rent: undefined
(CDRENT) Community Housing Rent: Berks
(CSRENT) Community Services Rent: TE5T 1AB
(RELIEF) Relief: undefined

As you can see, if a question isn't populated in one form, but it is populated in the same question number in the previous form, it will use that answer.

I tried using " - " as the default text in ALL questions where text input is used... it doesn't work (was hoping it would hide the "Undefined" message too, which looks out of place).

Can someone have a look to see how this can be resolved?

For info here is a screenshot of a part of the BPM process that makes this description: (all the Get ____ Details nodes are getting answers from seperated forms on the PC).



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