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Everything posted by nasimg

  1. When trying to select multiple requests the assign button often disappears stopping us being able to assign multiple tickets, has anyone else had this issue?
  2. We do see this at our site - frustrating for the customer trying to log a ticket. We have to shut down all the tabs/windows associated with that browser and sometimes clear the temp internet files to get the url to work. Alternatively we use a secondary browser (firefox or chrome) which should work immediately.
  3. Thanks for the update @James Ainsworth and @cchana
  4. Be useful to be able to complete activities via buttons in email (eg. approve, yes, no, etc).
  5. Not sure if this post is for here or service manager. But I couldn't find the place to take a call off hold (or probably make it on hold too). That was tried on an iphone 5 - running service manager 2.32
  6. Problem seems to have gone away....at least nothing noted in the last 2 days
  7. Great - please check ticket IN00014986 which I got an email. I found one problem was a analyst had my email address as his (hence the notifications for his calls). But I could find the reason for the below one. From: helpdesk [mailto:support-lbdigitalservices@live.hornbill.com] Sent: 19 September 2016 2:04 PM To: Gani, Nasim Subject: Request IN00014986 has been assigned to you Request IN00014986 Specialist Software has been assigned to you. https://live.hornbill.com/lbdigitalservices/servicemanager/request/view/IN00014986/ Kind Regards, Helpdesk
  8. If it was a team notification, wouldn't the template mention team somewhere....checking the times it appears the tickets are in hand to staff (ie not unassigned) when the notifications get sent.
  9. We are seeing the occasional email (from noreply@live.hornbill.com) where I wouldn't have expected an email. For example - "Request IN00014986 has been assigned to you", when I checked this incident it was never assigned to me. Any idea's why this is happening (3 times so far). We have updated to 2.32 and enabled notifications on all via email.
  10. Hi @Martyn Houghton Yes exactly what we want Hopefully the developers will bump up the priority as this seems a node most customers would want to use. Regards Nasim
  11. Hi @Victor thanks for the suggestion, I was looking for an automated process (like Supportworks used to have).
  12. At the moment we have set incidents to stop at the resolved state, this is to allow customers to reopen them if the issue is not fixed, but the down side of this is the tickets stay in the resolved state. I would want them to eventually go to the closed state after 2 weeks of resolving – is there this functionality in the business process (suspend node until condition met?).
  13. Hi James We are really struggling with reporting on our priorities, basically when we change them the timers don't recalculate, I understand you are working on this but we really need to have some timescales. Basically is this far off (months) or near (weeks). I'm interested on your thinking around changing the priorities but not affecting the service level target - I couldn't think of a situation where this would happen. As this was brought up in June I would be hoping you are weeks away - with most of our issues resolved in 2.32, this is one of the big ones we are waiting on. For us it couldn't come soon enough. Nasim
  14. Thanks James I've applied and tested - it does what it says on the tin.Thanks James I've applied and tested - it does what it says on the tin.
  15. Thanks - its affecting us too (call has been logged too).
  16. Has there been any progress on this - we use the resolution profile for our reports. We have lost a few days worth of calls - hopefully not too many more.
  17. Thanks for the update Victor - we patched to 2.29 and can't use our resolution profiles. We see the following - "There are no categories currently available for selection"
  18. Agree there should be an option for refresh time
  19. James I've taken your advice and posted this as a separate topic I'll look at the routing rules both in Hornbill and Exchange, but fundamental I don't agree with the way Service Manager deals with team notifications. I understand the reason for having it (a ticket has no owner, a customer update needs to be seen), but it should be configurable to either: Sent to all team (and sub team members) as it currently does - I don't like this, as nobody takes ownership. And may not be relevant to the sub teams. Ticket timeline gets updated with out of office responses from analysts in the teams (which the customer may be unhappy seeing). This is a bigger problem if you have large teams. Sent to a named individual (eg. team leader or manager). This is what I would prefer - so its clear who monitoring these types of updates (for tickets with no owners). No action to be taken The out of office updates are happening as expected - they are not coming from one individual, but may start initially with the customer, but as the team notification gets emailed to the whole team, any analysts who have their OOO enabled causes the ticket to update, which in turns sends a further notification out. Its not a broadcast storm - but can be annoying if you have nothing to do with the initial team (sub team - eg. main team is infrastructure, server and network are subteams both get notified for an ownerless ticket in either subteam or main team). See previous history here
  20. This is something we would like more control over too - do let use know when the change gets applied.
  21. Still interested in knowing if we could have the option of resolving multiple calls, I think most analyst would understand where to use this (eg. internet outage, server down, etc). Its basically where you have a major incident/problem and need to resolve lots of identical calls. Its very tedious to ask analyst to repeat the same action over and over, when you should be able to do it once. I appreciate you may have customers that have complicated workflow so providing this functionality as an on/off option would be great.
  22. Thanks for the the update Victor, unfortunately the customers are form the same organization. I still don't understand the logic of updating the whole team to call updates, in Supportworks you could direct escalations to the workgroup manager (so everyone didn't get the same message). Also seems sub-teams are also notified which I don't believe should happen. Can you see if there is anything in the pipes to address this issue?
  23. I hoping someone has an idea of what we can do - problem mainly seems to be around team notifications, I really need to be able to disable them. Also noticed that is the sub-group teams (eg. KSO is a part of Business Systems) get the notifications too. I want to keep the feature of out of office notifications updating the ticket as it tells the analyst (or customers) that someone is away. What I don't want is team (sub team) to update the ticket with their out of office.
  24. After getting the email updates working for assignments and updates from the customer (via email), we have run into a problem with a certain scenario where: 1) You are setup on Hornbill Service Manager as an analyst 2) A ticket was assigned to your team 3) An email update was added to the ticket before it was assigned to anyone (eg. out of office reply or the customer replied to the inital call has been logged email) This creates a chain of multiple emails from the hornbill team, updating the call with their out of office messages - we do have large team (25+) so chances are some staff may be on leave. These messages don't help the customer (as they come from Autoresponder) and definitely doesn't help the analysts in the team as they get lots of messages saying the ticket was updated (see attachment). I would hope there would be a button enable or disable autoresponder updates from the team, which would stop this happening.
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