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Peter Heywood

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  1. At the moment I am just sending the asset report we have to my inbox which is then picked up by Power automate, converted to JSON, and then I use graph to get Intune device last checkin etc. I was actually wondering if there is a more efficient way of getting the assets from Hornbill via API and writing back to the asset record again using API.
  2. Hello, We have updated the portal to include the new search bar to include 'Articles'. We have noticed however that keywords you enter in the search bar are only looking at the tags of each KB. Is there anyway to search content of the knowledge articles as well? When typing 'Wi-Fi' for example this brings up articles relating to this: After typing additional keywords in the search bar: Thanks
  3. Thanks for your quick response. We will give this a try but it sounds like this will give us what we need
  4. Morning, We are planning to make our staff facing KB's available to all on our portal that all our staff access. We currently have a search bar at the top of our landing portal which is able to search faq's and previous tickets however this dosen't allow us to add KB's to this: We have added the widget to the portal but we would like to make this more accessible and easier to access for our staff. Ideally this is what we would like to do: Is this something that would be achievable? Thanks, Peter
  5. We are looking to add myself as a subscriber to a ticket so I can get email notifications as soon as a ticket comes in to a team. As the ticket is created via our email route, the customer details of the ticket dosen't have an email address configured.
  6. Hi, I was wondering if it is possible we can trigger a workflow for when a ticket comes into a specific team within Hornbill as a request?
  7. Hi, I am wondering if there is a way to get all devices that are recorded as assets on our instance so I can iterate them all and check the Intune check in date so I can then update the Hornbill asset with the last check-in date. I am using the endpoint URL xmlmc/apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Asset but can't see any calls to get all assets with a filter on the documentation
  8. Cheers. Managed to get the correct endpoint from our Hornbill platform configuration and got the below 200 result: { "@status": true, "params": { "requestId": "SR00072343", "summary": "API Test" } } In terms of getting the service ID and teams ID so we can allocate to the correct queue, is there an easy way to retrieve these values through Hornbill?
  9. Thanks. Just tried in Postman but getting a web page return in the results. This is what I am using for the headers and body: And the response looks something like this: Not sure if I have missed anything but usign this as the HTTP url request (I have redacted our domain below): https://api.hornbill.com/xxxx/xmlmc/apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Requests
  10. Hi all, I have tried to find the inforamtion from Hornbill documents but the API documentation is quite overwealming for what I am trying to find. Basically I am trying to find a way in which I can create a service request on Hornbill via an API post call. The idea is that from a Power automate flow, it does a HTTP request to Hornbill to create a new service request with some details in the payload such as a description, summary and priority etc.
  11. Thanks, I can see there is an iBridge connector for Microsoft Flow. I presume we can call a Power Automate or Logic app flow using a HTTP request trigger and use this in production?
  12. This is quite interesting to hear as we use Intune and at the moment there is a drift between our Hornbill asset management and Intune device. Is there a link to documentation for HTTP nodes and is this an iBridge feature or premium add-in?
  13. Hi, We are actually calling a Power automate flow using a HTTP request trigger. The JSON from the intellegent capture form is passed in the body of the HTTP request to power automate and power automate would then parse this JSON and get the question answers from intellegent capture form. We are mostly cloud based and do not have a on-prem domain anymore. Is ITOM DevOps something that we could use going forward as we are looking to integrate Function apps and Logic apps to Hornbill going forward.
  14. Hi, I am currently testing the HTTP request on the Hornbill Integration Bridge. At the moment this is under experimental but I was wondering when this would become GA? Would this also become a paid feature requiring the iBridge uplift or will this remain a free feature?
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