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Darren Stather

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  1. @AlexTumber any update on this?
  2. Hi @Steve Giller Yes and no. We will have a scenario where an intelligent capture is shared between different organisations. My understanding is that the "Search Co-workers (by group)" can only be used to filter on a specific group or organisation. We're looking for it to be dynamically set based on the logged in user.
  3. Add a filter to the user dropdown field within intelligent capture to restrict results to a specific Organisation(s).
  4. @AlexTumber Any update on this feature?
  5. There is currently an option to associate an Asset to a Supplier – by going into the Supplier view and creating the association. However when the association has been made, if you open the asset, the linked supplier does not show anywhere – so you have no idea whether or not any suppliers have been linked. If an association has been made, we would like to see the relationship directly on the asset – similar to how all other linked entities show on both sides in the rest of Hornbill. As an extra point, it would be useful to be able to also link a Supplier from the Asset view as well.
  6. We would like to have a read-only view of Assets that Analysts are able to view but have no access to make any amendments to any of the attributes or components. As it stands, the only way to provide them access to view assets in the Asset Management areas is to give them the Asset Management User role which also allows them to update assets.
  7. States of Guernsey (sog) have a number of CMDB requirements that we are looking to try and map over to Hornbill. Most of them appear to be able to be met, but a big part of this is the reporting, through which they want to create dashboards via PowerBI pointing to their ETL Data Warehouse. Unfortunately after discussion with Bob, there are a number of areas that are not included in the ETL mappings 1. We would like to return the associations between logged requests and linked services 2. We would like to return any documentation names that have been associated with our technical services 3. We would like to return any Services linked with other Services 4. We would like to return any Services linked with Assets The requirements listed above are needed to support the go live activity of Service Manager for SOG, and ties into our contractual commitments as service provider.
  8. Request to have a timeout setting for new Live Chat sessions. If a Live Chat user waits for a (configurable) period of time without a response, a custom message is returned.
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