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  1. it works. Is it possible to filter services by homepage? I need a service to be visible only on one of the two homepages thanks
  2. Hi, i would like to create a second home page. The two homepages will have two different access links: https://live.hornbill.com/tenant/internal/home1/ https://live.hornbill.com/tenant/internal/home2/ Does anyone know if it's possible? Thanks
  3. the homepages show some voice translated and some no. I can work on service portfolio when the system language is set on english but i can't when it is on italian. Every service has already the italian tranlaction. thanks
  4. hi @Steve Giller Thanks for the information. The user had set an invalid Language . Now i have corrcet this issue and it works Thanks for your help. Regards
  5. Hello everyone, one of our users reports a problem when opening tickets. when the intelligen capture process starts, he receives an error: Unable to Load the Service request Details. This error only appears to this user, on several browsers, even in incognito mode. The user has the same roles (Basic user role and Self service User ) as all other users and is associated with the same organisation as his colleagues. The intelligent capture flow: The error that the user see: The role of the user: Can you help me understand where the problem lies? Regards Cristian
  6. Good morning, For a few weeks now, we have had a problem synchronising users between Azure and Hornbill. The import worked correctly for many months until it crashed displaying this error: I read in the wiki that this error occurs when 'there is an incorrect attribute in the conf file. Our configuration file was last modified in August 2023 and has worked since then until a couple of weeks ago. What tests can I do to find out where the problem is? Regards
  7. Hi @SamS I completed the KeysafeKeyID entry with the correct value. I re-launched the synchronisation and some of the errors disappeared. Only one remains 'BearerToken Error: Invalid HTTP Response: 404' I enclose the complete log file. Regards Azure_User_Import_2023-08-24T08-48-19+02-00.log
  8. Hi @SamS, I checked the configuration file and removed the entries: APIKey, InstanceId, Tenant, ClientID, ClientSecret present in my original configuration file. I tried re-launching the synchronisation but I still get the same error. I am attaching my configuration file so that you can also check it. I did it with Notepad++ and I don't seem to be missing any parentheses in the file. I admit that I am confused between the KeysafeID and the KeysafeKeyID. Should I enter a value under KeysafeKeyID in the configuration file? If so, what value should I enter? Should I enter the KeysafeID in the configuration file? Where do I retrieve it from? Thank you conf.json
  9. Hello everyone, I have updated the version of the Azure Import Utility from 3.2 to 4.1. I followed the guide here to configure the new version but I always get an error when running the software. Attached to this post find the complete log. The steps I performed were: - I created a new Client Secret on the Azure portal (the original one was out of date) and put it in the conf.json file - In the Keysafe repository I created a new AzureImports key with TenantID and ClientID - In the API Keys page of the Admin user I created a new API Key which I entered when I first ran the azure_user_import.exe programme. I also tried creating a new API Key in my user (which is part of the admin group) but nothing changed. When I run the programme I always get the following errors: Error Loading KeySafe Authentication: The specified key could not be found Error Decoding LDAP Server Authentication: unexpected end of JSON input Can you help me solve this problem? Regards Azure_User_Import_2023-08-22T09-58-30+02-00.log
  10. Hi @Michael M thanks for your help. Now it's work! Regards
  11. No, when i linked the keysfae entry i use my global admin user yes I hope the two screens I have attached can help. Regards Cristian
  12. Hi, for a few weeks now we have been unable to check our office 365 mailbox from the Hornbill portal. We have configured the new authentication method via Oauth2. I created a new key of type MicrosoftO365Mail:OAuth2 from the KeySafe page with my user global admin and followed this guide on the hornbill wiki to configure the mailbox. Now when I try to make a test connection to our mailbox I always get this error: Unable to login to POP3 server via oauth2. HornbillMailApiLog: Pop3Authenticate: DllDate: Mar 28 2023 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: HRNBLL.CB8102024 Architecture: Little Endian; 64-bit Language: Visual C++ 2022 / x64 VerboseLogging: 0 Pop3Authenticate: username: [omitted] popSPA: 0 greeting: +OK The Microsoft Exchange POP3 service is ready. [TABPADYAUAAxADIAMwBDAEEAMAAwADQAMwAuAEcAQgBSAFAAMQAyADMALgBQAFIATwBEAC4ATwBVAFQATABPAE8ASwAuAEMATwBNAA==] pop_office365_xoauth2: PopCmdSent: AUTH XOAUTH2 PopCmdResp: + auth_xoauth2_response_1: + PopCmdSent: <base64 string in XOAUTH2 format> PopCmdResp: -ERR Authentication failure: unknown user name or bad password. POP3 response indicates failure. AUTH_XOAUTH2_response: -ERR Authentication failure: unknown user name or bad password. --pop_office365_xoauth2 POP3 authentication failed --Pop3Authenticate Failed. --Pop3Authenticate can you help me solve the problem? Regards Cristian
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