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Hayley Gladden

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Everything posted by Hayley Gladden

  1. We are experiencing the same issue. Requests that have manually been put on hold can be taken off of hold and vice versa, but anything that has a node included to put on hold for a period of time, is not coming off of hold and you cannot manually take it off hold.
  2. Hi @AndyG, Many thanks for the update. Cache cleared and it is working perfectly! Thank you very much for resolving so quickly. Have a Merry Christmas, Hayley
  3. We are unable to page through the sites in our intelligent capture. All staff are affected - this has only recently occurred. We have tested in MS Edge and Chrome browsers, cleared the cache and cookies and the issue still occurs. When in use, it stays on page 1 and you can click on page 2/3 or the arrows >/>> and it does nothing. I've removed the node, saved, published, re-added it and it makes no difference. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
  4. It seems to be back up and running for us now.
  5. We are experiencing the same issue. Staff who accessed it first thing were fine and have remained logged in, but anyone attempting login post 9am is getting the spinning Hornbill icon!
  6. Hi @Martyn Houghton, No, we're not using routing rules. We went live on 5th May and the mailbox settings are all, "out of the box" so we haven't played with anything at this stage. I'll take a look at routing rules and see if this assists us. Thanks for your advice!
  7. As default, emails are archived to the deleted folder in the mailbox once they have been logged. In the core settings, there is a setting which allows you to change the specified folder for the emails to be archived to. We have changed ours to the Inbox (we manually move them to subfolders), but the settings are being ignored. We also have the following setting turned off, which is being ignored and emails are still moving to the deleted items folder. Is this a known issue? Has anyone else experienced it?
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