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Everything posted by Kris

  1. Still need help if there is anyone is able to assist? Im using Azure Automation Runbook script VERSION 1.2 by @Steve Goldthorpe Here is my config which results in the current message below... What am I missing? Failure to acquire access token. Response from AcquireTokenAsync was null Registered App config Automation setup (have also tried Runtime language V 7.1 too) Credential Variables HornBill Config Api Key Key Safe
  2. Really struggling trying to get this working - Went back to the beginning and not have the below message when testing the Runbook Completed Unable to load required assemblies from AzureAD module to construct an authentication token. Error message: Exception setting "Path": "Cannot find path 'C:\usr\src\PSModules\AzureAD\Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll' because it does not exist."
  3. Getting slightly further today after re-doing everything. Retrieving devices from: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/deviceManagement/managedDevices?$top=100 The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. IMPORT COMPLETE Assets Found:0 Assets Created:0 Assets Updated:0 * Primary Record Updated:0 * Primary Record Update Skipped:0 * Related Record Updated:0 * Related Record Update Skipped:0
  4. Hi All, I am attempting to setup asset imports from Azure into Hornbill. I've followed the fragmented information / guides I can find but am having problems linking it all together. This is the first time attempting something like this so have more than likely missed something or configured it incorrectly! Steps taken so far. Created a Hornbill App registration In Azure Created a Secret ID Setup a new Automation Deployed the below from www.powershellgallery.com: HornbillAPI HornbillHelpers AzureAD Imported the RunBook HornbillAzureIntuneAssetImport 1.2 (AUTHOR steve.goldthorpe@hornbill.com) Created The Variables required Created the Credentials called "IntuneAutomation" - Please can someone confirm what I should be using for the username and password? Is it the AppID and Secret or my Admin account? Created an API / Keysafe in Hornbill When I test the runbook I receive the error Completed Failure to acquire access token. Response from AcquireTokenAsync was null
  5. Thanks for the updates guys! All working again now for us. Gave me time to have a much needed coffee break when it was down!
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