@Steve G I have the same error msg as above. Unable to connect
Details: "ADO.NET: R script error.
Error: lexical error: invalid char in json text.
(right here) ------^
Execution halted
#Define Instance Details
instanceName = "https://live.hornbill.com/*******/" (All lowercase)
apiKey = "****************" sys admin api key
# Define Report details
reportID = "64"
reportRunID = "56"
useXLSX <- FALSE # FALSE = the script will use the CSV output from your report; TRUE = the script will use the XLSX output from your report
# Settings for using XLSX report output
# You must have XLSX output enabled against the target report in your Hornbill instance to use these settings
deleteLocalXLSX <- FALSE # FALSE = the downloaded XLSX file will remain on disk once the extract is complete; TRUE = the local XLSX file is deleted upon completion
xlsxLocalFolder <- "" # Can be left blank, or specify a local folder to store the downloaded XLSX file into. Requires the postfixed / or \ depending on your OS