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Sandip Bhogal

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  1. Hi team, I'm trying to see if there is a way to add 1x more approver to action a request. Please see test example below: Do i need to add cc, would this work? Or can we put 2x emails in the To section? Please let me know what the best way would be. Thanks Sandip
  2. Hi team, wonder if you can help guide me on this. I have a form, which looks like: When this form is filled by the customer and submitted, the first ticket email confirmation goes out to the customer, is there a way we could have the title and content to be specifically be picked from this form to be included in the email confirmation the user receives? At the moment you will see that the email the customer receives will only have the new ticket number logged and summary, we would want it to show specifically the Change summary from the form along with its contents put in by the customer. If i were to display the change summary and the contents to what was written by the customer is it possible to show on an email also? If so, whats the best way to do this, for me to implement this change? Would appreciate your help, thanks Sandip How to generate /populate summary + description when customer receives ticket email
  3. Hi, it seems like I'm getting duplications on my SLA's for odd reason, not sure how this got enabled but is there a specific way i can edit and remove for instance P1 - Major and not remove P1 - IN - Major?
  4. Hi Steve, I've got an existing request workflow inplace at the moment which collates to another intelligent capture which has External Authorisation setup to progress or close request based on response but wasn't sure if there's anything specific i need to amend to the way it currently looks (I had this setup from Hornbill before using credits). Is there anything i need to do from the Intelligent capture side?
  5. I created a form where a line manager fills in all the details, so once the form is submitted it will automatically be generated into a ticket which the analyst will then proceed. Aim here is that before a ticket gets created we want the form with questions all answered to be emailed to the Director so he can approve, that way the ticket will be on hold till director approves or rejects the form submitted. How can this be done is my question, do you have an existing example or a guide i can follow? I've made an existing form in the past help of Hornbill which does the exact same thing but only when the line manager who fills in the form clicks on specific button triggering an email to be sent to the director/ticket being on hold till approval required. This time it will be something different but I'm trying to see how i can use existing workflow. Would appreciate your help.
  6. Hi guys is there a way to add standard image on the form? How can this be done?
  7. Hi, i'm creating a form which needs to have start time and end time. I been using Date & Time control but was wondering if there's an alternative way to have Time control only feature instead of date?
  8. Hi Steve sorry its a picture of a diagram, does it need to specifically be in any specific format like JPEG?
  9. I made a form which i need at the end to display a PDF picture, how do i make it shown? I would appreciate if someone give me an understandable guide to follow hoping for it not to be over complicated Many thanks Sandip
  10. Hi Steve, Thanks for getting back on this, as you can see the current form i got inplace, what option is it for me to add attachment, so the end user can upload document. When the ticket gets created whoever deals with the ticket can see the attachment also?
  11. Hi, I'm developing a form which will be a user form filled by a line manager, is there a way to have option on the form for them to attach a document? Could be something like Word/PDF, if so how can this be done? Do you also have a sample i can use just to see how it works when going through workflow/intelligent capture. So whoever is going to deal with this request can then see the attachment also from the back end?
  12. Thank you Steve, i think thats fixed it. I need to add something in the process where it excludes weekend for the timer.
  13. How we want this to work; the user selects a specific option from a form on employee portal and ticket gets created. Due to the user selecting something very specific from the form, the email will need to be approved by the director. What should happen is, lets give the director a timeframe e.g. 3 days, lets keep the ticket greyed out on service manager so we cant perform any action till the director approves the request or rejects it (his actions). If the Director does not approve it within the timeframe set e.g. 3 days then the ticket auto closes and the request gets rejected meaning the user will need to submit a new request again. The workflow pretty much has majority of this covered already from the last specialist who helped me, we're at a stage where we only got a small part left to make it work - e.g. when the request is on hold, the existing ticket should stay open till 3 days set and at the moment when we test it, the ticket auto closes after 3 mins due to having no action from director.
  14. We have a workflow inplace so that when the ticket is created, request will be on hold for 10 Mins till the Director approves the request. This is something i need help with, would appreciate if someone could guide me to help get this process to work would be grateful: If you think i need extra node for this before the hornbill automation, let me know what kind and how can it work, does it require alot of work too?
  15. Hi Steve, i was looking at other forums on how they used suspense node e.g. Guest Mary's response in 2021 was wondering how would the suspense node for for my organisation? would it be similar to the one MAry pointed out, trying to work out for my scenerio, would it come before the hornbill automation...
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