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Morgan H

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Everything posted by Morgan H

  1. No one? Is there documentation or a tutorial for the Project portfoilio about how to build it up and activate stakeyholders? Is there a way to get a Gantt chart showing milestones and tasks for multiple projects you are not a Project manager for?
  2. I'm trying to find a way to allow project board members to get an overview of milestone dates for projects in our program portfolio. I have a few issues along the way -- and I cannot seem to find where in the help documentation to look. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'd like to have multiple projects of a similar type with a variety of project managers in my portfolio. I'd like to be able to create a gantt chart that includes dates for all milestones for the projects, not just the project end date. Is there anywhere I can read up on how to configure this set up? Is it possible? If so, who can I share the view with -- other project board members? Do they need to have Project Mangager access or is it enough to have service manager? Thanks for any help pointing me in the right direction!!
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