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Everything posted by ilyaas

  1. Thanks Steve. Can you advise which roles are required in order to make this process work. i will select one of the admins and ensure they have the appropriate rights. feel free to list whatever is required to make this work and i will follow the relevant process. i would assume there is maybe a role already available? if not let me know the relevant details and i can create one to complete this scenario.
  2. Hi Sam, Yes used the same api key associated to "contact import 2" just checked it again to be sure and it is definitely the same. i vaguely recall previously it was either permissions as mentioned earlier or we amended the config file outside the standard to make it work.
  3. System administrator so full admin rights.
  4. thanks steve, in which case are you aware what could be the issue. api key simply has the aforementioned rules as per wiki subsequently in key safe area, i simply associated the relevant api key, added the instance id etc as normal followed relevant OBD steps but get the error. i just figured i may not be the only one. any thoughts? before using an hourly credit we have i thought would try support and community forum first to see if could get anywhere with it as i have simply followed the step by step process
  5. Hi, Seem to be struggling with hornbill contact import utility Followed all the relevant instructions but seem to be coming across a keysafe related error. the below is what is in the relevant wiki link. has anyone experienced similar issues. i assume either the below or the config file may need tweaking, just not sure what im missing. Link: https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php?title=SQL_Contact_Import API Key Rules admin:keysafeGetKey admin:portalSetContactAccess data:entityAddRecord data:entityBrowseRecords2 data:entityUpdateRecord system:logMessage apps/com.hornbill.core/Contact:changeOrg apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/ContactOrgRequests:changeOrgRequestSetting apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/ServiceSubscriptions:add Below is the error i receive 2024/04/15 13:49:23 [ERROR] API call to retrieve key information from Keysafe failed: The API key being used does not have permission to access this keysafe record
  6. hi, whatever the issue was, i would assume hornbill now done something as it is now fixed.
  7. Hi, Something one of the staff has mentioned regarding a change since the New UI update. On the request screen, we are unable to edit a particular section. see below it appears greyed out for some odd reason only one area is greyed out. all other boxes are white and can be amended (text drop down etc) but the trust box which we sometimes manually update cannot be changed anymore. i've checked pro caps and BPMs to ensure nothing has changed that side which it hasn't. also it is one of the default fields so not something i can remove and re add back in either. Edit view Design View Primary Fields other primary fields like the summary has the option saying "field cannot be edited" which is unticked the field in question seems to be missing this option which i presume could be the issue? and is defaulting as uneditable? if someone can review and update would be great as this is a primary action that takes place everyday and cannot risk it not being available like normal for too long.
  8. Thanks steve, i have just tried this updated BPM node to the below sub status is added to pending update ** automatically opens the log again before a response has been provided ** its as though because the request status is not on hold it automatically kicks in and moves back to open without waiting for a request update
  9. hi @Steve Giller re above just looking into something similar myself. once resolved i have set sub status to "x" in the BPM service portfolio mentions relevant functions im unclear what the BPM should show to enable a request to be reopened once a reply is received to a resolution email. i suspect it would be suspend > wait for request update / wait for request email or something of this kind and if successful update to status open and wait for resolution again, if expired etc continue the BPM process. whatever i have tried just doesnt seem to be working. any help would be great note i do not necessarily want to place the request on hold pending a response, on resolution and a email recipient replying, it would be preferable for the status to change from resolved to open i have tried a number of different variations re the below just cannot get it to work as intended any help would be fantastic
  10. Brilliant Thanks all @Gerry@Steve Giller Much appreciated Ilyaas
  11. Hi, following some discussions, we are looking at different automations using hornbill which can save us some admin time. one of these is to automat portal user creation. i have managed to do this for brand new contacts as they currently do not exist however for existing contacts (someone who has previously raised a request) the functions do not facilitate this. following some conversations with bob, the node below doesnt allow at present for us to find a contact based on email, at present the only options are contact id or login id, essentially the question is can we add in the email 1 option in there. flow code is &[global["flowcoderefs"]["get"]["email1"]]
  12. Thanks @NeilWJ i've requested a support ticket as i believe someone needs to look at it.
  13. hi, thanks @NeilWJ i still fail to understand the reason behind this unfortunately. the first check is to see if To address contains 'manual.payments@elfs.myservicedesk.com' or cc address contains the same. if not it should go through the no match phase to the next decision node etc until a result is found with the relevant email address as normal. The BPM has been in operation since 2019 with probably over 100,000 incidents going through it ok so i'm very unclear as to why this has just stopped working yesterday PM. We have a similar bpm set up in the exact same way which works just fine so seem to be failing to understand the failure?
  14. PS note process was working fine up until yesterday pm. i updated the bpm and it wouldnt save due to result references being less than 3 characters. i updated all relevant nodes with resultref minimum 3 characters but still looks like its an issue for some reason
  15. never come across the below error before when going to the BPM to see where the error has occurred i see the below. the error is at a decision stage the expression closest to the error is relatively simple so cannot understand the reason for the error can someone advise what is wrong?
  16. when i go to create a new user and add an organisation with 'allow task view' and 'allow task action' it does not work it simply continues to show false even though i have ticked the relevant boxes.
  17. @Jeremy brilliant thanks. As daft as it sounds i simply scrolled down to hornbill on the cloud automation list assuming it would be in there. much appreciated
  18. Scenario: multiple approval process within BPM and want to add a timestamp to relevant custom fields 21 - 25 once an approval has taken place to allow us to monitor time between approvals. EG x y and z approvers within a bpm x approves > add timestamp (custom21) with date time of approval y approves > add timestamp (custom22) with date time of approval z approves > add timestamp (custom23) with date time of approval This will help us to identify and report on time with a certain approver etc. when updating the custom field im not sure on what to enter. technical level relatively low so not sure on next steps. searched all sorts on forum but couldn't find answer hence post
  19. i've created a new process for a project i am doing involving the portal and have set two authorisation stages One of the available fields and one i wish to utilise is customer manager however i cannot find the option to associate a manager to a customer. Basically i want the external authorisation to be an email that goes to the customers manager and am stuck on this point? Any assistance would be much appreciated Ilyaas
  20. Brilliant Thanks. I will sort @Ehsan Regards Ilyaas
  21. Thanks @nasimg might just be what we need. @Ehsan is this possible to do anytime after 11pm tonight?
  22. Hi @Ehsan Thank you for your reply, the CTRL+SHIFT+F function works fine for searching and I will certainly pass this round to all users. The issue is that we have been able to find the requests perfectly ok up until this morning and the references in question go back to early march (IN00055687 - 05/03 + IN00062161 - 11/03) Any help would be much appreciated
  23. Morning All, Have found this morning that when using the global search function at the top of the screen to locate an incident, it finds some incidents and not others. it has been perfectly fine up until today and there have no changes at all. funny thing is when searching at the top, no results are returned When searching using a view, the incident is visible and can access the relevant actions etc. Similarly if an incident is not visible in the global search and we receive a response from a customer to update an old incident, the email function doesn't find the incident either? Can someone assist or point me in the right direction. Regards Ilyaas
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