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Everything posted by GSM

  1. Yes i noticed that, but it's not ideal especially when dealing with global teams, each with their own/different domain. Can i request for this feature to be added?
  2. *bump* Anyone able to assist with this, please? Or can i raise it as a feature request, surprised Hornbill can't use the correct mailbox out of the box.
  3. Ok using Azure's fix it option and by adding additional URLs this is now working. Doesn't make any sense to me as the UK one apart from having a wildcard in the reply URL, the entity ID is completely different 1st pic is the international tenant, second is UK. Anyone care to shed any light, FYI you it doesn't accept wildcards in the URL anymore, the last time i got around this by editing the manifest but this doesn't appear to work anymore./
  4. Why would this need adding in, when it's not needed for the UK tenant?
  5. Hi there, We are trying to get one our international teams setup with SSO who are on a different domain and tenant on our instance. We've setup the Hornbill app on their tenant as we did for the UK, set it up all correctly on Hornbill. When you use the drop-down menu on the SSO screen and select the correct SSO profile and attempt to login as a user from that domain we get. Sign in Sorry, but we’re having trouble signing you in. AADSTS700016: Application with identifier 'https://sso.hornbill.com/*****/live' was not found in the directory '9c4e83f8-03c5-442d-8cf3-*******'. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. You may have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant. Settings on the app are as the same as the UK. Any ideas anyone?
  6. Hi there, We have two mailboxes setup in Hornbill, for example, 1. UK (using a co.uk domain) 2. France (using a .fr domain) The UK team uses one, the other, the French team. When users e-mail either team, they get a new notification that a ticket has been logged/resolved e-mail notification and from the correct domain, be that .co.uk and/or .fr. Also, to add, both the UK/French teams can pass tickets between them. We achieved this by setting up our BPM to use custom e-mail templates based on customer primary e-mail address. The issue I have arises from enabling the following in Hornbill (guest.app.requests.notification.emailTemplate.groupAssignment & guest.app.requests.notification.emailTemplate.analystAssignment) so that an engineer and/or team are notified if a ticket is assigned to them. We noticed that when tickets are assigned from the UK > France and/or vice-versa, or assigned internally within the team itself, the e-mail notification that the call has been assigned to you comes from the UK mailbox, which causes confusion between the teams. I believe this has to do with the setting guest.app.requests.notification.emailMailbox , set to helpdesk (which is the UK mailbox). Is there a clever way to use the correct mailbox based on the domain rather than always using the same mailbox to send notifications? If both teams were UK-based and share the same domain, you could just set up a generic mailbox, but given there are two separate teams, each using a different domain, I am not sure how to approach it. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you. GSM
  7. Apologises, Mary. Still learning This has worked, many thanks
  8. Thank you very much, Mary. I've done exactly this and it does not appeared to have worked, please see my screenshots below
  9. *bump* anyone able to assist with this at all, please?
  10. Hi Steve, Can i kindly pick your brains again, please? Scenario 1: Engineer raises manual request using "Raise Request" feature, engineer specifies different team and specifies an owner on that team. Ticket assigns to other team as intended and notifies the owner. - FIXED Works, and thank you, Steve. Scenario 2: Engineer raises manual request using "Raise Request" feature, engineer specifies different team but does not specify an owner on that team. Ticket assigns to other team as intended and notifies the team. - BROKEN In Scenario 2, what happens is the the team initially get an e-mail to say a ticket has been assigned to them, but the ticket ends up in the Servicedesk queue rather than theirs without an owner. I've tried changing the "No Owner" line between decision and the round robin node to "No Team Assignment" and updated the expression, and while that initially appears to have fixed the issue, the end result was that i ended up breaking the auto-assignment to engineer node/rule. So all e-mails into the inbox were automatically being logged but not being assigned to an engineer on the SD team, so i reverted back. Any ideas on how i can approach this so can ensure both S1/S2 work, and doesn't break the auto-logging and assignment of tickets, please?
  11. You did it again Steve, that appears to be working as i would want it. In case anyone is interested here is the regex to help out community. (toAddress LIKE ('%servicedesk@abc.com%') OR ccAddress LIKE ('%servicedesk@abc.com%')) AND subject NOT LIKE "RE:%"
  12. Hi there, We have auto logging enabled for tickets coming into IT and its working really well, and i attach the screenshot of routing rule that's making that happen. However, we've encountered a scenario where if a user e-mails in to IT and includes someone else and then that person responds to the e-mail chain with IT included, and there is no mention of ticket reference etc in the call, it keeps opening new tickets and therefore you end up with 3-4 different ticket numbers being sent to people. I know the system is doing what it is designed to do, but is there anyway to avoid (looking for advise) multiple tickets being generated if the subject is the same in a short space of time?
  13. That's worked a treat, thank you very much, Steve.
  14. Muchas Gracias, does this look correct?
  15. Hi Steve, when you say get request details are you saying at the very first node "Get Request Info" branch off and decide if owner is set and/or not and if it isn't connect to "Request Assigned to Team"? sorry i am very new to this, if you would be kind as to explain it to me it would be very much appreciated.
  16. Hi all, We have this working whereby if anyone e-mails into IT it automatically log the tickets, assigns it a P4, and assigns it to the IT Servicedesk team. However, i think I've created the BPM incorrectly as if you try to "manually" raise a ticket using the raise a request feature in Hornbill and select yourself and or another engineer on another team or your own team and try to assign it, it ignore it and uses the round-robin feature to assign that ticket to someone random on the IT Servicedesk team. What do i need to modify in my BPM (see pic) so that any manual raised tickets get assigned to to the right person and by pass the round-robin rule if that makes sense?
  17. Managed to fix this by messing around. This now works. I needed to add brackets toAddress LIKE ('%servicedesk@abc.com%') OR ccAddress LIKE ('%servicedesk@abc.com%')
  18. Hi there, Any update to this please?
  19. Thank you James. I await your reply.
  20. Hi James, The "to" field includes me as the recipient, and i am in our system as a user. Tried with other users in the to field and i get the same the ticket just sits there and does not get auto assigned.
  21. Hi all, Any ideas why the following routing rule doesn't work for the ccaddress but works for the to address, please? This to automatically log tickets, works if servicedesk@abc.com is the to field, but not if its in the CC. toAddress LIKE '%servicedesk@abc.com%' OR ccAddress LIKE '%servicedesk@abc.com%'
  22. Hi there, I know via the employee portal customers can reopen tickets by saying its still an issue. I've tried searching the forums and maybe I'm missing it but how do i set it so if a customer e-mails in and the ticket is closed that it reopens the ticket, please? At the moment we have it set so if a customer e-mails in and the reference is in the email it updates the timeline and e-mails the owner. However, it does not reopen the ticket.
  23. Hi, We have our BPM setup to assign all tickets raised by the self-service portal to "P4" which is working well. We also have our BPM setup to round-robin assign tickets when users e-mail in, and assign a P4 by default. Now what's happening is that when using the self-service portal, the it support team get a notification that a ticket has been raised with priority 4 and assigned to their team. Fantastic. If someone e-mails in and auto-logging is enabled, the team get notified that a ticket has been assigned to them but there isn't a priority. We have team notifications enabled. However that being said, when the BPM assigns the ticket to an available engineer using round robin, it assigns it a P4 at that point and notifies the engineer that a ticked has been assigned to them and shows the priority correctly in that e-mail. Where in the BPM attached can i make it so it assigns the priority before passing to the team ? Date Logged : 2021-03-16 12:47:41Z Logged by : SYS_AUTORESPONDER Request IN00054091 has been assigned to IT Support Team Ticket Priorty: {{.h_fk_priorityname}} <---------------------------- ( this part )
  24. Hi James, Just curious if there has been an update to this, please?
  25. Hi all, We have an automated BPM that assigns tickets on a round-robin basis, one of the things we have included in our e-mail template when notifying teams and or owners of ticket assignment is Logged by {{session name}} - so they know who's logged it over. With the automatic assignment of tickets when using the BPM, it shows, Date Logged : 2021-03-16 09:36:49Z Logged by : SYSTEM_CONTEXT Is there anywhere i can modify to change SYSTEM_CONTEXT to something else? or is there a better way of doing it using another variable. We still need the "logged by" in the template for when tickets are assigned to other teams by non automated processes.
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