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Paul Bierton

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  1. Thanks for the response, whilst I understand the need for improved visibility - especially when trying to keep consistency across multiple themes, I still think it would be best that such potentially jarring changes should be optional for users, the Salmon colour for new request is a prime example of things that should be optional, but i digress, we look forward to the new update when it arrives.
  2. Understatement of the year. I think I'm just frustrated that theyre making changes without consultation or ways to disable them.
  3. Confirming that If the ticket gets Assigned to a user (Not a Team) it becomes unboldend. Either way they shouldnt be making random changes like this without consultation, its same with the god awful salmon for the 'is-unassigned-to-team-1' class
  4. This weekends update seems to have changed all the styles to include a font-weight:bold when assigning css classes to the request list. Can this be reverted as it makes it difficult to read. Looking at the CSS file for servicemanager.css it seems to be the block from line 373 to 383 /* Default background highlight which will be applied for use in high contrast mode, light and dark will use overrides below */ .sm-requests-list .requestlist-row .is-customer-updated-1-aliceblue, .sm-requests-list .requestlist-row .is-customer-updated-1-beige, .sm-requests-list .requestlist-row .is-customer-updated-1-blanchedalmond, .sm-requests-list .requestlist-row .is-customer-updated-1-honeydew, .sm-requests-list .requestlist-row .is-customer-updated-1-khaki, .sm-requests-list .requestlist-row .is-customer-updated-1-lightcyan, .sm-requests-list .requestlist-row .is-customer-updated-1-lightyellow, .sm-requests-list .requestlist-row .is-customer-updated-1-paleturquoise, .sm-requests-list .requestlist-row .is-customer-updated-1-white { background-color: var(--unread-indicator); font-weight: bold; } Thanks
  5. The new update to the UI is great, so much better to fill the whole screen rather than the center , however Is it possible to change the 'is-unassigned-to-team-1' CSS class colour, the light salmon is not a nice colour and is really distracting when its on a pale background. Could a setting be added like there is for webapp.view.ITSM.serviceDesk.requests.list.unreadColour?
  6. We too are having an issue, inspection the console gives the following error
  7. @Keith Stevenson I tried to add the account this morning using just the password (with 2Factor enabled).
  8. Im happy to revisit, for now we are glad to have the emails sending. I will run a test tomorrow to get the required error messages and provide
  9. Classic Auth rejects the send as well and points you towards the App Specific Password Edit: saw the post as I posted this one
  10. We have resolved this by using the DNS routing and adding a valid SPF Record, However the downside of this is that the outgoing emails are no longer within our mailbox. Its not fixed by any means, but for now we are up and running and would much rather send via OAuth2 if Hornbill can get verified to use it. Thanks for your help @Keith Stevenson
  11. @Keith Stevenson If you re-read my post I point out Which in turn mean I did exactly that, however the Google Connector is not verified with Google, thus get an error and can only access the Calendar. I appreciate the assistance and apologise if my replies sound short and exasperated.
  12. So, ive just spent the morning going through a whole host of things with Google and also testing the settings that @Keith Stevenson Pointed out. We still have errors and are unable to send. In google we disabled 2factor on the account in question. Tried signing in with the username and password but it was rejected as we werent using an application password, so we tried with the application password with 2fa enabled, this also failed. This brought us on to this @Steve Giller https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255?authuser=4&p=less-secure-apps Whilst this doesn't immediately affect us it soon will. Google are discontinuing their support for less secure applications in May, which meant we lookgin into enabling OAuth for sending, only to find out that using your Google Connector you can only connect to calendars as Hornbill is not verified with Google. If I click Advanced and Continue I can only share the Calendar with Google. and cos of this its not viisble within the OAth Settings of Send Mail. So currently STILL as it stands we cannot send emails and its causing no amount of issues, just by changing a password We declined as customer success call as we were more than happy with Hornbill but currently Im inclined to have a conversation just to raise this issue. @Keith Stevenson You were correct in forming me that it will test once, to which this does and successfully sends the email, but doesnt send on the scheduled sender.
  13. Yeah We are usually reliant on the Hornbill notification for such things, shouldve checked
  14. @Keith Stevenson Further investigation shows that Gmail doesnt support OAuth for email. Going to contact Google to see what options we have also.
  15. @Keith Stevenson were getting this error now - We use 2 Factor Authentication, so This option is no longer available. SmtpCmdResp: 535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at SmtpCmdResp: 535 5.7.8 https://support.google.com/mail/?p=BadCredentials m9-20020a05600c4f4900b00389e8184edcsm351494wmq.35 - gsmtp gmail_hints: To send email via GMail using login/password authentication, your GMail account must be configured to allow for "less secure apps". See https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255 Otherwise you need to use OAuth2 authentication. Examples for GMail SMTP OAuth2 authentication are available on example-code.com under the SMTP category. Is there any documentation for OAuth and Gmail? We already use SSO with Google.
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