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Philip Hanlon

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  1. problem averted it was working it just was lagging on pulling through the translation
  2. Hi Jim, Thanks for that and i did try it but it is this translation key (sub in ui.asset.system.associateddatabase.displayName) that appears to be missing
  3. Hello, We have repurposed the associated database field in the system asset class and have been able to do translation in the asset table but not on the views as there is no display name to translate. we want to be able to translate the below value. is this an issue or am i doing something wrong
  4. unable to add sub state to table columns in supplier manager. Is this possible? Also when i include the "renewal from" and "renewal to" columns it pulls in the data from the start and end date field rather than then renewal from and renewal to fields
  5. Thanks - is this hardcoded at 10 for performance reasons or could we request that this is increased? Having it limited to this number makes it less useful for us as most of our teams have more than 10 users assigned to them.
  6. @Nanette do we have any timescales on this? we are doing requirements gathering for design of supplier manager and that is a pretty crucial one for us to move forward
  7. I noticed this issue myself so would be eager to get it resolved/clarified
  8. we get our LDAP to archive leavers so we require this feature also for our analysts, particularly for asset management.
  9. Do we know what this update will be?
  10. Would it be possible to make all fields searchable including custom fields
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