Hi there, I've got a bit of a gripe...
I recently did a massive overhaul of an existing process that we use for customer support. In this overhaul, I removed several human tasks, but today one of the managers asked that it be put back in, along with the custom fields update node that used to put various tasks' outcomes and completion details into a couple of different fields.
I thought, 'oh ok, I'll just look back at a previous version to see what tasks were referenced where, and what fields from them were needed'. No.
Because of the insistence of assigning a ridiculously long random number to each task - but not saying on the task itself what that random number is - I cannot actually work out what is being referenced where, I just get an endless stream of numbers and letters.
Furthermore, the 'read only' system on previous versions is a pain. I get that you're not allowed to edit the text, but it doesn't let me scroll to the end of a field to see what part of task 'askfdjkhwq908213989u2r9uhd' is actually being referenced (is it the outcome? the completion details? WHAAAT?!). Also, on text fields where an editor window is used, I cant launch the window to see what's written in there - there could be a whole essay in there that I need to see - but alas, I'm left with the first two-dozen-or-so characters, which doesnt even get to the fully random name of the task that's being referenced in this case.
Please make it possible to navigate text in the 'read only' mode of previous versions
If you insist on using random numbers for task referencing, state the random number on the actual task somewhere - and preferably make the random number considerably shorter!