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Max Williams

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  1. We are currently having issues too at the University of Portsmouth
  2. When publishing FAQs and selecting the Service Desk for who it is published to, they will not appear during our ticket logging process. However, when selecting 'Both' they will appear when we start to type a description and summary for the ticket. Is this something you are aware of any do you know why this would be the case?
  3. I was wondering why FAQs are linked with Services in Service Manager. When logging an Incident or Service Request ticket and selecting a Service, an FAQ associated with the Service will not appear. However, when typing a summary and description for when logging a ticket, it will pull through any FAQ containing the wording that's in the description and summary field (see below).
  4. Hello I was wondering if it was possible for FAQs to be pulled through next to the related tickets and catalogue items that appear here after selecting a Service when raising an Incident or Service Request. I notice that the list of FAQs will appear after logging and assigning the ticket but wondered if there was a way they could be pulled through whilst logging the ticket (next to the related tickets and catalogue items). Thanks in advance! Max
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