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Josh Bridgens

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Josh Bridgens last won the day on December 1 2018

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  1. Missed this reply @Steve Giller! Will give it a go today, thank you!
  2. Our organization currently has a system in place where tickets are automatically created in Hornbill through a Defender alert for "Summary High-severity alert: Creation of forwarding/redirect rule." Currently, engineers need to manually send an email to the end user. We aim to automate this process so that an email is automatically sent to the end user, informing them of our email auto-forwarding policy, etc. We need to collect the Subscriber from the initial ticket summary to send the email. How can this be configured in Hornbill?
  3. Thanks @Nanette Any ideas on when this update will be deployed?
  4. I have added him to the "Admin Role": Which has fixed the issue, but he can not have access to the full platform Admin long term. On the docs page for Scheduled requests it states: https://docs.hornbill.com/servicemanager-config/administration/scheduled-requests#:~:text=The Scheduled Requests feature enables,a weekly or monthly basis. Before You Begin A user requires either the Service Desk Admin or the Hornbill Admin role. Thanks in advance!
  5. We are looking to implement the use of scheduled Requests (Finally!) And one of my team is getting the following issue when attempting to congure them.. Here is a screenshot of his permissions in Hornbill: He can create a Scheduled Request, however it doesnt save the schedule setup and cant assign to a specific user. Any Help would be greatly appreciated! Josh
  6. Thanks @TrevorKillick and @Keith Stevenson This was resolved pretty quickly on our end and our security team have escalated to MS Support. Josh
  7. Can also confirm this is affecting us.
  8. Over the weekend, we have had 2 of our accounts used for email addresses in Hornbill, as attepting to login from suspicious locations. The reports are as follows: This IP has since been whitelisted, however would like to know if there are other reccomended IP's to whitelist to prevent this occuring again? Josh
  9. As of this morning I am now getting this error message when running my Power BI import; Running R Open 3.5.3, most recent packages, havent made any changes since yesterday, just randomly started happening today? Any ideas?
  10. Afternoon all, I have updated our Power BI report to pull through the "Frist.Time.Fix" Field, We have multiple requests showing as FTF acquired, however there appears to be no data next to those requests in Power BI? looking at the xslx that is produced from the report shows there are deifnitely FTF's being pulled through and they say "Yes" in the field... Any ideas? Josh
  11. @Ehsan I have cleared my cache and have had multiple other users clear their cache, it still appears to be happening.. Josh
  12. Just an update, this is still occuring, just incase any changes have been applied. Josh
  13. @Mohamed @Conor @Ehsan Thanks all for your help, what was it?
  14. That works perfectly fine, I have plans to move our users to this portal in the future but were a ways away
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