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Everything posted by gwynne

  1. Plus is does not provide a header to the info so we dont know what question it would relate to
  2. This does not work if you have multiple questions with the h_description it just overights the description with the later question plus is still appears in the question section
  3. Hello in our progressive capture for change we have a date selection section then after we have a list of questions, however if you wish to go back to the date picker to amend it wipes out everything after that section and you have to reenter Is there a reason why and can this be fixed?
  4. Hi James Thanks for the feedback
  5. I don't seem to be able to do any filtering against a service, I tried doing a Closed Critical filter and it brings back nothing. Is there any update to this?
  6. If the questions are mapped will they highlight the question been asked in bold as in the title of the question.
  7. Done this issue still with us any updates?
  8. items defined by progressive capture
  9. Hello I know I have brought this up before however I was wondering if this could be an optional feature that you could turn and off if you want it. Edititng questions would be very very useful to us
  10. Hello I have noticed that you cant link changes with other changes, I have discussed in another topic how to deal with multi part changes and the ability to add additional change cal entires for multiple parts of a change. I would also would like the ability to link changes using the link feature as some changes have dependencies on others Regards Gareth
  11. We are going to work around this by asking people with multi part changes to write individual changes, however it would be good if the possibility to add adhoc scheduling to the calendar is also possible
  12. That would work any process that would allow conditions to applied to mass categories with ease works in my book
  13. So if I create a custom filter and filter by service and owner is not set nothing comes back even though I have access to the All my service view and there is tickets with no owner set in them. This i believe was fixed a while back is this bug back or am I missing something? Regards Gareth
  14. Actually scrap the range factor can see where i can use the Scheduling feature the time value is mainly for things like the estimated duration time. I understand you have a from and to date/time to scheduled but from an approval point of view it would be good to see the estimated time range in a time value.
  15. Do these allow you to add to the change calendar though, if changes were to be made on different dates they would also need to be recorded in the calendar for that change
  16. This would be really useful to us is there any chance this could be put in dev
  17. Any thoughts on this one?
  18. any further movement on this?
  19. Any further info on this?
  20. Hello Is there any way of implementing the ability to but multiple scheduled dates for the calendar based on 1 change which may have multiple parts to it. Some of our changes can be spaced over period of time so would be useful to be able to have more than one scheduled date.
  21. Hello can we include the ticket link to the ticket the task is associated with as you can see in the screen attached you get a the task link and the BPM user however no direct link to the ticket
  22. Hello I appreciate that but in a change context information may need to be added or amended to allow a change to be approved the way the information is presented if further updates or amends are placed in custom fields or timeline
  23. Can we add the option to edit custom questions in a ticket? It would be very useful if any of the answers or additional text needs to be added
  24. Thanks for the feedback looks like there was a an issue with a process between 11:00 - 12:00, thanks to yourself and support getting back to me so quickly
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