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Everything posted by samwoo

  1. Good morning, I am assuming that this is a defect but we have an archived contact from over a year or so ago for one of our suppliers still showing in the main list of contacts (indicated by a black star icon). Please can this be looked into to either hide the archived contact or move the archived contact to the end of the list. If the former, then it might be worth having a toggle or popup of all archived contacts. Shame we cannot delete any contacts from here too (for example if created in error). Thanks, Samuel
  2. Just a bit of an update after looking around the Data Import Configuration screens some more, it turns out I can display debugging in the message, so I turned it on and behold the wonderous sight of debug messages. Turns out for those 90 accounts, there are no profile images: 2024/01/11 10:34:31 [DEBUG] Unable to Upload Profile Image to DAV as it's empty Please can the LDAP_Import be updated to allow ignoring empty images to be imported in, and thus not doing anything against that account to the images at all. At the moment images against an account with no AD Profile Image looks like this in Hornbill: But in the past, it used to show up the initials of the user, so in my case would be SW with a coloured background. @Steve G - Sorry for naming you directly; I saw you had input into this tool on other posts, but is this something that can be looked into? The ability to skip the upload of images if they are empty, as a setting. Of course, some organisations may want to flag this up as an error, but we don't need to.
  3. When we did our measures, I couldn't see any way to capture all the open tickets at points in time, so I had to just use the current open tickets from and advise the viewers that for a little while the count of open tickets will be the same for a while before you see any changes over the period. I am keen to know if this is currently possible, but I suspect it isn't at the moment.
  4. +1 for the additional types - would really help visually.
  5. Good afternoon, Description: I am requesting an enhancement to the User Profile screen on Hornbill. It would be good to see a “Direct Reports” section added to the right-hand side of the User Profile screen. This section would display all users who report directly to the person whose profile is being viewed. It would also show the manager of the person whose profile is being viewed, their manager, and so forth. Reason for the enhancement request: Currently, if someone is off or has left, and an answer or follow-up is needed for any open tickets, users must navigate to Microsoft Teams or Outlook, search for the user, and click “Organization” to view their position in the Organization Hierarchy. This process is time-consuming and inefficient. Justification: Adding a “Direct Reports” section to the User Profile screen would save users from having to navigate away from Hornbill to another system in order to see the information. This enhancement would streamline the process, making it easier and more efficient to find the necessary information without having to navigate away from Hornbill. As we use LDAP_Import and that the data in AD is updated from the system used by HR, this information is readily available and can be incorporated into Hornbill. This enhancement would therefore leverage existing data to improve the user experience. Thanks, Samuel
  6. Linking back to my post on this thread: I would like to request the ability to subscribe to a Roadmap Board in the Hornbill Solution Center. Copied from the above topic: Would be good if we could subscribe to the relevant roadmaps to send a daily email notification on any changes if there were any made within the last 24 hours (if any). This would allow us to keep up to date with the Hornbill development. I definitely don't just go and regularly check the road map due to being very busy, so would be nice to have some sort of notification... An example a similar solution is Trello, you can subscribe to be notified of changes made to a board/lane, and the notification can be instant for each change, or sent daily/weekly if I recall.
  7. Would be good if we could subscribe to the relevant roadmaps to send a daily email notification on any changes if there were any made within the last 24 hours (if any). This would allow us to keep up to date with the Hornbill development. I definitely don't just go and regularly check the road map, so would be nice to have some sort of notification... An example a similar solution is Trello, you can subscribe to be notified of changes made to a board/lane.
  8. I've seen this option and wondered how it would be stored if used in a custom field or request type specific field, as I suspect DATETIME (ie. h_custom_21, h_proposed_start_date) fields won't work. If we were to use this, including the time would also be important for us too. (ie. for custom Change Request forms)
  9. Good morning, On the 21st December, myself and a colleague set up the LDAP Import again and it ran fine during the day with no errors. We are currently on the latest version v4.2.8 However since then, daily, and for only 90 accounts, it is displaying the following in the log files every day for the same accounts: No other accounts are showing this issue. In the Data Import Configuration tool, the Last Run Status is "Started" (so it looks like the process never stops, but we had set to -forcerun=true parameter to on from the 21st December). But if looking in the history tab within the Data Import Configuration, it shows as "error", yet it shows what has been updated successfully. Please note we are only using this process to update details about the accounts in Hornbill from AD, not creating any accounts into Hornbill from AD as this is done via our Hornbill New Starter process with the AD part of that process to create accounts being done manually (yes, we know about ITOM and no we are not using it). What could be causing this issue, and how do we resolve, or force ignore it? Thanks, Samuel
  10. Good afternoon, I would like to request for a supported API that will allow updating the Service Level Calendar (Working Time Calendar) in Hornbill. Application: Core Entity: SLC Name: slcUpdate Request Parameters: slcName <string> <required> timeZone <string> <required> workingTime <calendarWorkingTimeWeekType> exclusion <array> <calendarDayType> Response Parameters: status <string> exceptionName <string> exceptionSummary <string> Use case: To allow the automated updates of the Service Level Calendar via an external process. Example: Here is an example of a PowerShell script that can be set to run on Task Scheduler yearly, which currently works. Note - I've selected Python as the code formatting as there isn't a PowerShell option. # Initialize the last loaded time to a time far in the past if (-not $lastLoaded) { $lastLoaded = [DateTime]::MinValue } # Check if data is not loaded or more than 30 minutes have passed since last run if (-not $loaded -or ((Get-Date) - $lastLoaded).TotalMinutes -gt 30) { # Load the Hornbill API Config . '\\<SERVER NAME>\c$\<FOLDER>\Hornbill\Config\Hornbill_API_Config.ps1' # Load bank holidays from Gov UK JSON file $bankHolidays = (Invoke-WebRequest 'https://www.gov.uk/bank-holidays.json').content | ConvertFrom-Json # Update the last loaded time $lastLoaded = Get-Date $loaded = $true } # Extract the events for England and Wales, convert the date string to DateTime object, and sort by date $bankHoliday_govUK = $bankHolidays.'england-and-wales'.events | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ Title = $_.title Date = [DateTime]$_.date Note = $_.notes } } | Sort-Object Date # Define the Working Hours $startTime = '08:00:00' $endTime = '16:59:59' # Set the days of the week for the Service Desk Default Calendar # NOTE: # Days must be the first 3 letters. Add/Remove according to the open days/hours $daysOfWeek = @('mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri') Add-HB-Param 'slcName' 'ServiceDeskDefaultCalendar' Add-HB-Param 'timeZone' 'GMT Standard Time' # Open the Working Timne element Open-HB-Element 'workingTime' # Iterate through each day of the week foreach ($day in $daysOfWeek) { # Open the element associated with that day of the week Open-HB-Element $day # Add the Start and End times Add-HB-Param 'start' "$startTime" Add-HB-Param 'end' "$endTime" Close-HB-Element $day } Close-HB-Element 'workingTime' # Iterate through each bank holiday from GOV UK foreach ($holiday in $bankHoliday_govUK) { # Skip standard holidays if ($holiday.Title -like '*Christmas*' -or ` $holiday.Title -like '*Boxing*' -or ` $holiday.Title -like '*New Year*' -and (-not $holiday.Note) ) { # Skip the standard holiday dates if there is no note on it continue } # Open the "exclusion" element Open-HB-Element 'exclusion' # Add the day, month, year, and comment parameters Add-HB-Param 'day' $holiday.Date.Day Add-HB-Param 'month' $holiday.Date.Month Add-HB-Param 'year' $holiday.Date.Year # If the holiday has a note (ie. Substitute Day) if ($holiday.Note) { # Append the Note to the end of the comment Add-HB-Param 'comment' "$($holiday.Title) ($($holiday.Note))" } else { # Just use the comment Add-HB-Param 'comment' $holiday.Title } # Close the "exclusion" element Close-HB-Element 'exclusion' } Invoke-HB-XMLMC 'time' 'slcUpdate' Clear-HB-Params
  11. Like Steve said, it is not possible, though I would love to be able to add custom columns for the sake of convenience. For example: CONCAT('https://live.hornbill.com/<INSTANCE_ID>/servicemanager/request/view/', h_pk_reference) as REQUEST_LINK But it is definitely not possible at the moment in the way that you described. So I would +1 this as an enhancement request.
  12. @Daniel Dekel, Just wanted to report that [blockquote] Wiki Markup is not rendered in the new Preview UI:
  13. Great to hear @Adam Toms and no worries at all, glad to help Sub-queries are great in these types of scenarios but as long as one is mindful of potential performance impacts when using larger sub-queries, multiple sub-queries or even nested sub-queries. I do a lot of checks using Database Direct to make sure the sub-queries are functioning as intended and are not taking too long to run or slowing down the system. Sub-queries can also be used in Reporting as well and can get extraordinarily complex if you need it. Thanks, Samuel
  14. Hi @Adam Toms, Does something like this work? (add to the end of your existing query but first backup your current query) AND h_request_id in ( select h_pk_reference from h_itsm_requests where h_custom_i = 'IT' ) (Sorry I couldn't tell if it's custom field i or L) Though if you are using Service Domains, then it might be better to do it like this? AND h_request_id in ( select h_pk_reference from h_itsm_requests, h_itsm_services where h_fk_serviceid = h_pk_serviceid and h_service_catalog_domain = 'IT' )
  15. Good morning, I was wondering if this was ever looked into and made it's way into the list of things to be worked on?
  16. Hi @Steve Giller, The suggestion was only for holding the basic user information of what people might need without having to make extra requests/calls to the instance to get further information. If users wish to retrieve further information about the users (ie. the Manager, Job Title, Phone Number etc.), then absolutely they could run userGetInfo and any other APIs for each returned user. Thanks, Samuel
  17. Hi @Art at BU, Can't be 100% sure but it looks like the Address fields have been set to hidden/disabled? If you Apply changes or cancel out updating the fields, you should see a "Design Form" button somewhere in the Address region when you can activate these fields. If you cannot see it, I think there is a role required to grant that access but not entirely sure at the moment which one it is. Thanks, Samuel
  18. I have created a new thread instead, so ignore my previous post:
  19. Good afternoon, Raising off the back of my latest update to this thread: We are working on our Applications data against Assets and need to present the Asset Form via a Custom Field using Data Query. However, we need to be able to define which Asset Types are selectable in the Data Query. I have tried putting in Comma Separated values, but it's just not producing any results. Please can this be raised this as an enhancement. In the meantime, I am having to display all Software Assets, which is not ideal as it contains Certificates and other kind of software Asset that users shouldn't be seeing. No, these asset types should not be combined under a single asset type, No, for sake of the user experience, we should not have separate questions for each the Asset Types. For example, a lot of users won't know what a Web Portal is (A front-end for a bunch of services, or a single service in its own right) over a Web Portal Service (which is a service associated/included within a Web Portal, which might have different teams/people supporting this particular service on the Portal, where there might be additional services in that same Portal). Similarly for Business Applications (Software designed to support the Business needs and requirements for different Services, like Unit 4, SharePoint, Hornbill) and Software (Non-Business Applications, like Adobe Acrobat, Notepad++, GreenShot, Camtasia) - general users cannot always distinguish between the two, so we need all the results in a single question. All this is for the sake of Configuration Management, and our work on improving how we do the Applications Roadmap (instead of using Excel spreadsheets). Thanks, Samuel Wood
  20. Good afternoon, We are working on our Applications data against Assets and need to present the Asset Form via a Custom Field using Data Query. However, we need to be able to define which Asset Types are selectable in the Data Query. I have tried putting in Comma Separated values, but it's just not producing any results. Please can this be raised this as an enhancement. Thanks, Samuel Wood
  21. It most certainly is lol! Doesn't offer much but could do with more being added to it IMO. But it is great for capturing the versions, though make sure you add the versions in release order otherwise reporting will be fiddly. (Also a part of the reason why I requested for the extra fields) I think there is also a need to add: Release date (a future date can also be adde for approximations as well)
  22. Just to clarify, I am talking about adding those extra fields to this screen: We have an area that is used to capture Versions, so why not make use of it and expand on it. Please note that we do not create new Assets for each new version, this would be a complete waste of time to rebuilding linked assets against Assets, Workflows, Services etc. The only time we would do that, is if we have multiple Asset versions on the estate for any reason, and as far as I know, there is only a small handful of non-business-critical apps.
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