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  1. Is it possible to adjust the columns in the mailbox. The current version isnt too bad but the previous version is even narrower in the email list. I'd like all 3 adjustable if possible.
  2. Steve, yes strangely this was disabled so now enabled again and i will check some calls to make sure its stopping the timer. Thanks for the advice. Debby
  3. I'll check that thanks Steve - not had it before though so will see what result i get.
  4. Good Morning - hope someone can assist with this for me. A colleague started a call that was logged on the 21st August and resolved on the same day. The resolution date was a week later but the Service level is showing as being missed. Any suggestions on how it happened and is there a way to amend it. I have attached a screenshot.
  5. Thanks Steve, we turned off the Category option and that's now working but we have never used it before.
  6. Support Staff using Service Manager are being asked to select a Category when closing their calls but we dont use them. I have tried to select a default one and tried removing the option but still unable to close the call. Also, another colleague has noticed that our reports are showing high figures. i.e. 2800 calls resolved today. etc Any assistance would be appreciated rather urgently. Thank you Debby
  7. Not urgent but currently our Support team using Service Manager are always available (unless on Leave or Sick etc) as we use the Round Robin option to send Requests. Is there a way to see if they have marked themselves as anything other than Available so their calls go to someone else? Just on a daily basis would be handy. Thank you, Debby
  8. Tested successfully this morning too thanks.
  9. Has anyone had emails similar to these in the last hour? or could someone point me in the right direction if they've seen this before. The following message to <xxxxx@xxxxx> was undeliverable. The reason for the problem: 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'5.4.1 Recipient address rejected: Access denied. AS(201806281) Invalid Date'
  10. Can you assist me with this please . I can see the emails in the mailbox itself but they've not been pushed into Service Manager since Friday. Is there anything i can do this end? Regards Debby
  11. Steve, Does the associated email data get removed from logged calls i.e. historical data.?
  12. Sorry Steve, only just seen this - we use Microsoft logins for multiple applications switching between Admin and our own dependant on what we are doing. I try to use a different browser for each but Microsoft likes to catch me out sometimes. At least i know now what it's doing and how to rectify it.
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