As its stands for our Instance:
1. Basic can view their Request call ticket list within the portal, but receive blank screen when accessing individual call tickets
2. Basic cannot log new call tickets;
"EspMethodCall::invoke: Operation[data::entityAddRecord] Error loading related entity 'Services' record, key = '51'. Error: No record found"
3. Users can view their call ticket views, but error when accessing individual call tickets;
/apps/com.hornbill.core/flowcode/fc_modules/xmlmc.js(189): error X1001: Uncaught EspMethodCall::invoke: Operation[data::entityGetRecord] The specified record (SR00019444) was not found
4. Hornbill admins can access the Service Portfolio list, but cannot access individual services;
/apps/com.hornbill.core/flowcode/fc_modules/xmlmc.js(189): error X1001: Uncaught EspMethodCall::invoke: Operation[data::entityGetRecord] The specified record (25) was not found