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    Chelmsford City Council

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  1. Its just come back for us
  2. We're still down.
  3. Same for us
  4. Thanks @James Ainsworth My colleague and I (both administrator's) don't have that option on basic or users timeline posts, and no ellipsis \ menu option on their comments either (see below screen shot)? I've logged in as full admin to get around this issue and removed the comment, but the timeline does not replicate your second screen shot - its simply been deleted with no reference\audit trail to that edit. Is there a particular permission we need to grant our admin accounts please, or is it always the case as logging in under the full admin profile to complete these tasks?
  5. Hopefully a simple answer, but alas one I cant work out! I need to delete one customers comment within a lengthy comment conversation under their timeline post, but cannot work out how to do it via the ellipsis on that post, or otherwise? Can it achieved? Perhaps granting a certain permission to my administration account? Many thanks.
  6. Many thanks to @Nanette and the Devs for spotting the issue with last nights 3086 update to our instance - I'm pleased to report that everything is now accessible following a full update to the system.
  7. We tried an alternative browser and reset cache etc first thing this morning and post the latest fix update - same issues on the mobile app too
  8. As its stands for our Instance: 1. Basic can view their Request call ticket list within the portal, but receive blank screen when accessing individual call tickets 2. Basic cannot log new call tickets; "EspMethodCall::invoke: Operation[data::entityAddRecord] Error loading related entity 'Services' record, key = '51'. Error: No record found" 3. Users can view their call ticket views, but error when accessing individual call tickets; /apps/com.hornbill.core/flowcode/fc_modules/xmlmc.js(189): error X1001: Uncaught EspMethodCall::invoke: Operation[data::entityGetRecord] The specified record (SR00019444) was not found 4. Hornbill admins can access the Service Portfolio list, but cannot access individual services; /apps/com.hornbill.core/flowcode/fc_modules/xmlmc.js(189): error X1001: Uncaught EspMethodCall::invoke: Operation[data::entityGetRecord] The specified record (25) was not found
  9. Hi Victor - I have this issue as well
  10. Hi Alex - I've applied the widget workaround and the request list is now visible within our customer portal, but both basic and users unable to access individual calls. Customers receive a blank screen and users the below error: /apps/com.hornbill.core/flowcode/fc_modules/xmlmc.js(189): error X1001: Uncaught EspMethodCall::invoke: Operation[data::entityGetRecord] The specified record (SR00017861) was not found
  11. Hi - I set the below nodes to obtain the info (Request > GetRequestInfo > ProgressiveCaptureAnswers) then set as custom (RequestUpdate > Request > CustomFields) at the start of the process, which I then pick up in the email template
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