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Update Timeline


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Is there a way to show the engineers name on the update timeline, a query from one of our engineers who says 

" Can we make the techs names appear on call updates? rather than having hover on the icon. if you havent got a photo, its not easy to see who's updated the call."




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I was thinking this some months ago, it would be nice to be able to see their names underneath the photo, then when you hover over it you can see more details.

I thought maybe to have a System Parameter which enables / disables showing of the user's name underneath the photo so people have a choice.

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Something that we can look at is having what we call the Title of the post exposed in the timeline of a request.   If you look at any of the posts in your Newsfeed, each post has a title that will say something like "James posted on workspace...".  In fact, if you are following a request, you will see the updates for that request in the Newsfeed with this same title.   The reason it is not on the timeline at the moment is that it also replicates information such as "James posted.... request IN0934933'' which we already know the request ID as we are viewing the request so it was seen as extra information that wasn't needed.

I will have a look to see what options we have.

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I would also like to see the name of the poster. It would make it a lot clearer for analysts (and customers). If you want to make it optionally -= no

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  • 2 months later...

@nasimg @samwoo @flanderp

As part of the Service Manager update 2.32.x two new settings have been added to allow you to display the name of the person next to their photo within a request timeline.

  • servicemanager.request.timeline.showShortPostTitle for Service Manager
  • guest.servicemanager.request.timeline.showShortPostTitle for the portals

These can be set within the Administration portal under Home->Service Manager->Settings.  The default for these settings is ON so the names will appear once the update has been applied.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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